What to look for when showing?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2016
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I am considering showing for the first time this summer. The horse I'd be showing is my two year old colt, Littl Americas Secrets Crescendo. He has Dilver Meadows Phantom Storm, Orion Light Vant Huttenest, Dels Cowboy etc. in his lineage. I want to drive him next summer so I was thinking maybe halter this summer? However, like I said this is my first time. I was wondering if anyone had any tips as to what the judges would be looking for? I didn't even know if this is something that would suit him?

Thank You

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Sorry you haven't had any responses to your questions. If your planning to drive next year maybe start a thread in the driving section. Im sure you will get plenty of answers and advice on how others have started their training and what they have done when starting younger ones.

I dont show so cant answer your questions in regards to judges preferences and what they look for.

Sorry you haven't had any responses to your questions. If your planning to drive next year maybe start a thread in the driving section. Im sure you will get plenty of answers and advice on how others have started their training and what they have done when starting younger ones.

I dont show so cant answer your questions in regards to judges preferences and what they look for.

Thank You
I have been waiting for someone with more experience in showing minis than me to come along and answer. I've shown alot over the years, but it was always ponies and big horses and I am new to the minis. That being said, I think you should show your little guy. The halter classes I go in are at unrated shows, sometimes they are mini halter and sometimes the classes are open to all breeds but they are all judged on conformation and their way of going when you trot them on the line. So they need to be able to trot nicely on the lead line and stand quietly while being judged.

There are also Showmanship classes that are judged exclusively on the handler, they are fun,too.

It is good learning experience to get them out and seeing new things, especially if you plan on driving them at some point.

Good luck with your little one ☺
I think the first thing most folks who show would tell you is to attend a show....or two...or three....before taking your little guy. Talk to some of the people showing and watch the halter classes (AND driving, since you plan on doing that down the road.)

Some clubs around the country (like in the northwest) have "schooling shows" early in the season. It gives new handlers and/or new horses to showing a chance to get their feet wet....... I think the northwest one has already passed. Have no idea what the schedule is in your area.

You'll need to teach your fellow how to stand with all four feet square (like you have him in your picture). Then, have him extend his neck and head forward toward you WITHOUT him stepping forward....THAT is the hardest part of training, IMO. Get him used to you handling his lips to separate them so the judge can see his teeth.

You'll also want to put a Neck Sweat on him when working him. Judges like thin necks.

Wish I could give you more advice, but we haven't shown in well over 10 years.
I have been waiting for someone with more experience in showing minis than me to come along and answer. I've shown alot over the years, but it was always ponies and big horses and I am new to the minis. That being said, I think you should show your little guy. The halter classes I go in are at unrated shows, sometimes they are mini halter and sometimes the classes are open to all breeds but they are all judged on conformation and their way of going when you trot them on the line. So they need to be able to trot nicely on the lead line and stand quietly while being judged.

There are also Showmanship classes that are judged exclusively on the handler, they are fun,too.

It is good learning experience to get them out and seeing new things, especially if you plan on driving them at some point.

Good luck with your little one ☺
Thank you, The show I am looking at is at the county fair. So It is probably not going to be that much of a show as there seem to be very few minis around me. I just don't know what to look for.
I think the first thing most folks who show would tell you is to attend a show....or two...or three....before taking your little guy. Talk to some of the people showing and watch the halter classes (AND driving, since you plan on doing that down the road.)

Some clubs around the country (like in the northwest) have "schooling shows" early in the season. It gives new handlers and/or new horses to showing a chance to get their feet wet....... I think the northwest one has already passed. Have no idea what the schedule is in your area.

You'll need to teach your fellow how to stand with all four feet square (like you have him in your picture). Then, have him extend his neck and head forward toward you WITHOUT him stepping forward....THAT is the hardest part of training, IMO. Get him used to you handling his lips to separate them so the judge can see his teeth.

You'll also want to put a Neck Sweat on him when working him. Judges like thin necks.

Wish I could give you more advice, but we haven't shown in well over 10 years.

Thank You. Any advice is great! I was trying to add a picture of him with an almost finished hoof trim and reaching for a treat in my hand but it doesn't want to post.
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There we go I think. He kind of had his head turned toward the camera so it looks too big.

photo (11).jpeg
He is cute. I like his color, too. Do you have a show halter for him? I always practice at home a few times with the halter I'm going to use if it is new just to make sure I have the fit right and it's comfy for them. Easier to fiddle with it at home than at a show where they might be antsy if it needs adjustments.

If you go to the show, don't forget to have all the paperwork that you need to enter with you, too. Or you can pre enter which is actually easier, one less step to do the morning of the show, all you have to do then is pick up your number.

Do you have someone who can go with you as an extra set of hands? It's always helpful to have another person along.
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That's good! He's almost there! Have him square his feet up in the back.....(Teach that FIRST)........And when treating him bring his nose down a little....so he isn't pointing his nose so high....more in line with your hip. You're already doing a great job! (Looks like you've already got his tummy tucked and fit looking too!)
He is cute. I like his color, too. Do you have a show halter for him? I always practice at home a few times with the halter I'm going to use if it is new just to make sure I have the fit right and it's comfy for them. Easier to fiddle with it at home than at a show where they might be antsy if it needs adjustments.

If you go to the show, don't forget to have all the paperwork that you need to enter with you, too. Or you can pre enter which is actually easier, one less step to do the morning of the show, all you have to do then is pick up your number.

Do you have someone who can go with you as an extra set of hands? It's always helpful to have another person along.
Thank you,

I don't have show halter yet, although I have been looking. I could definitely get someone to help I think
That's good! He's almost there! Have him square his feet up in the back.....(Teach that FIRST)........And when treating him bring his nose down a little....so he isn't pointing his nose so high....more in line with your hip. You're already doing a great job! (Looks like you've already got his tummy tucked and fit looking too!)
Thank you so much! He is pretty good about not overeating so I have hardly worked on that at all.

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