Thank you for ALL of your opinions and advice - whether you agreed with/understood my feelings or not. It is TRULY appreciated.
I know that I did not coin the phrase "dare to dream". I guess I just put so much into thinking up a name that would fit me and my fairly unusual objectives and accomplishments, took a lot of time researching the availability of that name in the miniature horse world, and then did the best I could, physically and financially, to promote my stallion and farm. (All of you small farm owners understand the financial side of promotiion!).
I didn't mean to be derogatoryor stuck up and snobby ... I apologize. It's just that I have been very, very slowly trying to breed National quality, double registered miniature horses. I'm a small, small farm - in fact, for the last few years I've only had 2 brood mares! I have tried hard for so many years to practice "quality versus quantity" and I want people to know that ... I'm proud of that! In my mind that matters a lot ... especially when strangers can go to the other farm's site where they are breeding unregistered "grade" minis (even if they do have some registered stock or recognized names in their pedigree) and auctioning them off! I don't want people thinking that I operate like that ...
Just coming across their web site like that really took me by surprise ... I may be silly, and/or super sensitive, but it made me feel like my individuality as a miniature horse farm had been violated. I'm not LKF, I'm not Windflight, I'm not Alliance or any other "big farm" name. But IMHO, "my" name should be as unique to my miniature horse farm as the big mini farm names are to theirs. I bet there'd be a stink if any other mini horse farm called itself Little King Farm!
BTW ... I did write a tactful email explaining who I am and asking that they contact me. That was the FIRST thing I did - a month ago! I thought that was the right thing to do. I have received had response.
I even tried tp put myself in "their shoes" and thought about what I'd do if someone from the mini horse world contacted me and proved they had been in existance longer than I had ... I'd either think up a similar (not identical) name or choose a whole new one. I don't want to be a copycat! Plus, they are already doing livestock business under another name .... why not continue using that name?
Hopefully (as Lauralee pointed out) people will remember Armando and associate my name and farm with him - and, if they stumble upon the wrong site, they will be astute enough to know which farm is which
Anyway, thank you all again for your insight. It is very helpful to get other peoples input when dealing with emotional issue. As I said to Jill above, empathy and understanding why I feel the way I do goes a long way!
Take care everyone,