What your horses wear to shows

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2011
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Texas, U.S.A
I have one mini pinto yealing filly that I am showing this year in some local open shows in just the halter and showmanship, and then some bigger AMHA shows. I was just wondering, what do you put on your minis when trailering to/ prior to the show? I've always just used a show sheet and called it good. But lately i've seen lots of minis with sheets/shipping boots/sleazys on. If you could post a pcture of your stuff, that'd be awesome! Im looking for ideas on what new items i'd like to buy.
If we are going to a day show where I need to bathe them at home then they will wear a slinky hood and a sheet to the show. I use shipping boots for most trailer rides unless it is a short one. If I'm going to a show where I can bath them there, I don't make them wear anything in the trailer, unless it's cold. Then of course they have on a blanket.
If we are going to a day show where I need to bathe them at home then they will wear a slinky hood and a sheet to the show. I use shipping boots for most trailer rides unless it is a short one. If I'm going to a show where I can bath them there, I don't make them wear anything in the trailer, unless it's cold. Then of course they have on a blanket.

Thats about the same views I have in those regards. What brand of shipping boots do you have? Im looking to get new ones, and if im lucky, in my barn colors. (Royal Blue & Black)
It depends on the weather. Yes, if I bathe the day before I will cover with a sheet and sleazy hood (or maybe a one piece sleazy) if it is fairly warm. But since your horses will have been clipped, they MAY need one or more blankets, so you should have something available. I made liners from cheap polyester throws that tie in the chest area and can be used for added warmth. They are also very handy after the bath.

I put any neck sweats OVER the sleazy, which helps keep it in place and protects it from rubs and tears. I do not use shipping boots on the minis - I don't feel they need them because they don't have shoes and they weigh so much less than a big horse.

I once saw a mini show up at a show on a cold day wearing a bedspread, so anything is possible!
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It depends on the weather. Yes, if I bathe the day before I will cover with a sheet and sleazy hood (or maybe a one piece sleazy) if it is fairly warm. But since your horses will have been clipped, they MAY need one or more blankets, so you should have something available. I made liners from cheap polyester throws that tie in the chest area and can be used for added warmth. They are also very handy after the bath.

I put any neck sweats OVER the sleazy, which helps keep it in place and protects it from rubs and tears. I do not use shipping boots on the minis - I don't feel they need them because they don't have shoes and they weigh so much less than a big horse.

I once saw a mini show up at a show on a cold day wearing a bedspread, so anything is possible!

Thats a great idea with the liners! It doesn't get too cold here, only about mid 30's in the dead of winter. I've seen some light sheets online I think im going to try. I get everything embroided, so we'll probably go with black and get our royal blue logo on the hip or something. Just looks neat at shows. First show for us isn't untill mid february, so I still have some time to do so.
Like most every one, it depends on the weather for me. My two little ones ride in a van, not trailer, so they never wear anything. My trailer is being remodeled (but still safe to use for horses) so the geldings will usually wear a sheet so primer doesn't rub off on their coats (as it sometimes does). I prefer to bathe at home, if I can, then use some dirt repellent (show sheen, laser sheen, any of that) to keep them clean then do my major show prep at the show.

I really like them to travel as simple as possible, with out having much on them. Less is more in that regards for me. There are some great miniature horse tack sites that offer just about anything you could want for your mini, check them out and see what you'd like
I believe they have shipping boots on there too can some blankets can be embroidered with names/logos/etc
Like most every one, it depends on the weather for me. My two little ones ride in a van, not trailer, so they never wear anything. My trailer is being remodeled (but still safe to use for horses) so the geldings will usually wear a sheet so primer doesn't rub off on their coats (as it sometimes does). I prefer to bathe at home, if I can, then use some dirt repellent (show sheen, laser sheen, any of that) to keep them clean then do my major show prep at the show.

I really like them to travel as simple as possible, with out having much on them. Less is more in that regards for me. There are some great miniature horse tack sites that offer just about anything you could want for your mini, check them out and see what you'd like
I believe they have shipping boots on there too can some blankets can be embroidered with names/logos/etc

Thanks for your input!

And actually, our 2 horse is being remodled aswell to accomidate minis! It's a big change going from "big" horses, down to miniatures. Everything has to be taken into consideration!
This is what I do....I bathe the day before my shows....normally later in the afternoon as after they have their bath they are in for the rest of the day/night. I then put a light sheet and a sleazy hood. (Once they are dry of course) Mine are good about not trying to get their stuff off. So they stay in all night with that on. Then they ride to the show in just the sheet and sleazy...depending on the weather. All my shows are in the summer so if it's a little chilly i will throw a blanket on them and stop along the way to take it off when it starts to warm up. I attached a pic of my gelding in his sleazy and sheet, the day of our first clinic..(as you can see he wasn't all clipped yet).
Good luck at your shows!

Between working full-time and trying to get my two kids body-clipped without a lit or covered area to do so, bathing is usually left off the end of the list in favor of getting to the shows on time.
Heck, I was body-clipping my colt AT the show every event this year!
The chestnut has to get done at least a week ahead of time but Turbo clips out a nice silvery color which doesn't take much recovery time at all so I lucked out that way. Given that they haven't been bathed or (often) clipped, they just ship to the show au naturel. Once they've been bathed I'll still ship uncovered but they get a sleazy and sheet before being turned loose in a stall. I'll often put up their tails as well if the shavings are dusty because otherwise brushing out that slick clean tail becomes a nightmare when suddenly it's tacky and snarled. Ugh!

Just watch out for resale value when embroidering your horse apparel. Minis take some very odd sizes and if your girl outgrows something or it doesn't fit when it arrives, having it embroidered will make it less attractive to new buyers. Just a thought! Once you know you've got something that fits, go for it! I'd love to get some of my stuff embroidered.

Once the minis are ready and clipped l love my full body slinkies they wear them all the time keeps the bodies clean and l make them wear it during the day outside because of the sun...l never had to much luck with the half slinkies they always seem to ride up and hang around the necks..
this guy is not wearing his own on the picture because the butt broke his zipper and l didn't have time to run in and get a new one put on..
lf it gets cool usually at nite blankets go on top...


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