What's For DINNER Tonight?

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RiverRose, that sounds so good! Both my husband and I decided we were just too tired to go anywhere last night; so I grabbed a container of frozen leftover spaghetti sauce from the freezer and reheated it and put it over angel hair pasta and buttered up some bread. That was supper. (H. had ice cream with hot fudge sauce for dessert).

Tonight I am planning rib eye steaks with mashed potatoes and green beans. We are going to the movies with a gift card in a few minutes. (so H. will load up on popcorn there LOL!).
Bad again tonight... Steak, sweet potato, broccoli, corn. I'm enthusiastic the last few months because I can share what we make with a friend of ours. Our dogs act like they hit the lottery if they hear a can pop open!!! Our friend is a late onset type 2 diabetes person, who is very physically active and underweight. Her blood sugar numbers have come way into line, and her endocrinologist can't get over it. I think for her, she's so busy, it's more that she has "ready to eat" food on hand when she's hungry, vs. what she's really eating almost. She's for sure not the typical case, but I think a lot of times, she would come into her house after her "real" job and after feeding and working horses, and just not feel like making something. It's feeling good to have another person to share the food we make with for sure! And she went from a very scary A1C reading, to normal, just with the not all that low carb food I've sent over. I know this is off topic, but I am feeling blessed that a friendship has been renewed, and that there's a way I can help out
Tonight it's going to be lemon & garlic pork loin with onions from the crock pot, stuffing, broccoli, and probably carrots. I'm so not good at coming up with new side dishes!
Tried a new jar sauce last night. Didn't care a lot for it. For Tonight I am supposed to make chicken soup in the cockpot. I need to get it going. Plan on making a dessert. I just don't feel much like cooking right now. I have plenty of time, just no motivation except that I might not feel like cooking tonight. So it would be nice if it's ready.

I think it is because my 'bum' ankle is acting up. We were making slow progress forward. Most of the foot and ankle seem pretty good. But that achilles tendon area and around the bottom of the outside ankle bone seem to have 'given in' over the weekend. My PT wants me to go see the ortho Dr. so off I go today. Haven't had an MRI on it. I think that's what he's thinking now. Fine, but I hope I don't end up with surgery! (I don't want the pain meds. - I don't always react well to stuff - hate meds!!!).
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We had a ham, Caesar salad and buns Sunday night and saved the juice from the ham and the bone. Tonight it will be ham soup as per my husbands request. I haven't made ham soup before but we really love soups and I can think of lots of ingredients that will make it yummy. I'm not sure yet if I'll make it like a chowder or use tomatoes and make it more of a simple stew. With it we will use up the last of our buns and then its black cherry icecream for desert if we decide we want any.
meatballs, scalloped potatoes and green beans for tonight; might be an odd combination, but I wanted something simple (the meatballs are left-over and the potatoes are out of a box).
Here I am typing after midnight. Yum, you all have made me hungry. Sounds good. I think I may do meatballs, mashed potatoes with gravy and a veggie tonight and thaw some spareribs to crockpot for Thursday night so far. Friday needs to be grocery day badly; but it will be interesting. Went to my Dr.'s appt. and he put me in a boot-non weight bearing for now until we get an MRI done and see what's what (figures). The non weight bearing sucks. My breast hurts where the crutch rubs when I move and I think the muscles there might be a bit bruised and/or strained from hauling myself around. Still hoping I don't need surgery on it. Bahhh!!!
Here I am typing after midnight. Yum, you all have made me hungry. Sounds good. I think I may do meatballs, mashed potatoes with gravy and a veggie tonight and thaw some spareribs to crockpot for Thursday night so far. Friday needs to be grocery day badly; but it will be interesting. Went to my Dr.'s appt. and he put me in a boot-non weight bearing for now until we get an MRI done and see what's what (figures). The non weight bearing sucks. My breast hurts where the crutch rubs when I move and I think the muscles there might be a bit bruised and/or strained from hauling myself around. Still hoping I don't need surgery on it. Bahhh!!!
Sounds like your crutches might not be adjusted right for you. I needed crutches when in college, in 24 hours I was bruised from armpit down and same area on my arm on both sides; all because they gave me too short of crutches (I'm 5'10", the crutches they gave me couldn't go any taller). I dumped the crutches and hobbled with out, but weight bearing wasn't a huge issue for my problem.
Chandab: Thanks, I will have them check them when I go back in (couple days I think) and have them check how I am using them too. (kind of got off the thread with this, sorry.).
Sorry to hear you are struggling Performancemini. It sucks when our body slows us down, I am very impatient with anything that gets in the way of my life.

Made the soup last night so it was very much like minestrone (at least in my mind lol) ham, tomatoes, green and brown beans, onions, celery, carrots and pasta shells with Italian seasoning and garlic. Very filling. Tonight it will probably be left overs but I might make some pork side ribs (with rice and a green salad) if I get home early enough.
Cold? I can't say I am a fan of cold soup
unless its vichyssoise (pureed potato leek soup) I haven't tried gazpacho (cold tomato - sorta) but either way I doubt I could talk my husband into eating soup cold even if it was meant to be served that way lol. We are traditionalists I guess.
Last night we had chicken wings cooked in olive oil, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob.

Tonight it is going to be pork chops, rice and black eyed peas.

I haven't made up my mind about Saturday night, but on Racheal Rae she is making mashed potatoes with blue cheese and ranch dressing, looks good.
I don't know what I'm making for supper tonight, but I have a bit of browned hamburger in the fridge and also a pack of thawed hamburger, so probably something with hamburger. I don't know about hubby, but I've really been enjoying the homemade meatballs when I make them, so I've made them quite a bit lately. Took a few from the last batch to my mom the other day, and she thoroughly enjoyed them; she had been buying the frozen meatballs and thought they were good, til she tried homemade from homegrown beef.
There is really no comparison is there.

she had been buying the frozen meatballs and thought they were good, til she tried homemade from homegrown beef.
There is really no comparison is there? First, the homegrown beef is so much tastier than what comes from feed those huge factory farm style feed lots and then anything homemade has so much more flavour and often a nicer texture too than what is pre-made. The bonus is you know what you are eating and its likely to be cleaner and not make you sick.

I have done very little cooking this week. My husband has been working 12 hour days and has been so tired when he gets home he just wants a sandwhich or something reheated. Maybe tonight I'll make a full meal. Perhaps I'll try my hand a home made pizza if I can find a recipe for the crust some where.
Reignmaker; don't know if you were pulling my leg or if it was the way I worded my sentance. I meant I loved soup when it's cold OUT. Never had cold soup either. Doesn't sound real appetizing. Maybe one of those cold fruit soups; though they sound more like a dessert.

We are all out of grass fed beef. Our friend raises his own small herd of Hereford or Hereford cross steers each year. We had a quarter early on (obviously not enough, should have went half, but it was spoken for). Then he had a small heifer that he decided was going to be too small for breeding, so he had her butchered. We got half of her. She wasn't that great. I think the bigger steers must have banged her around too much LOL! She was kind of tougher and the flavor wasn't as good. The first one was GREAT! I told my husband to put dibs on a half for next time!

I think we are having take-out pizza tonight. Need to shop. Have to have hubby go with to push the cart. Don't care for that "moonboot" they gave me to wear since I am not suppose to walk in it as yet. Actually, THAT thing makes my achilles tendon hurt. The ankle support and shoe didn't. It just ached and my outside ankle was getting too sore. Had my MRI yesterday. I get the results Monday. Appreciate any prayers that I don't need surgery.
Oh... LMAO, Performancemini, yes, I misunderstood you
I thought you were talking about the temperature of the soup. But yes, we really enjoy soups, stews and chowders when the weather is cool and like you we like to have something to dip in it. We like to entertain by having what we call 'soup night' where we make 2 or 3 varieties and invite friends and family, my husband likes my soups so much he keeps trying to talk me into offering soup days at work and charging the guys a fee for a bowl of soup and a bun. I am actually considering trying it.

I'll sure keep you in my thoughts, hope you don't need surgery and the problem can be cleared up with some meds and a little physio or just resting the foot.
Well, I'm not feeling hungry tonight, so not sure I'm making anything really. But I have plans for tomorrow

... Going to make this huge ham "steak" (1 inch or so and big around), some crock pot mac & cheese, broccoli and baby carrots. Will probably make it more as a lunch and send our friend a plate that she can heat for lunch or dinner.
Performance mini, I hope you don't need surgery, but if you do please let us know so we can support you. I've been in one of those awful boots, they rubbed something awful. Funny, I had the area one show and had to wear that thing. First was a ten hour drive to NY, then I had to let my daughter show in most of my classes, couldn't trot to save my soul, then bath horses after classes with the baggies on was terrable. Oh well.

On Racheal Rae today she fixed some mashed potatoes that sound so tasty I'll share, cause I think I'm gonna make then tomorrow. Of course you need mashed potatoes but then she added blue cheese, ranch dressing in the package, chopped shallots and chives, salt and pepper, sounds yummy.
I have done very little cooking this week. My husband has been working 12 hour days and has been so tired when he gets home he just wants a sandwhich or something reheated. Maybe tonight I'll make a full meal. Perhaps I'll try my hand a home made pizza if I can find a recipe for the crust some where.
Don't know if you have a bread machine, but I do (Wedding gift), and it has a recipe for pizza crust that we really like, its supposed to make 3 medium pizzas, but I make one big, thick crust pizza. [i have a huge pizza pan, my dad got it at his favorite take-N-bake shop well over 20 years ago.]

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