On the 17th of this month I went out to do my evening feeding and my gorgeous King Lee 15 day old colt lay dead in his pen. His dam didn't realize he was gone so when we went to take him out she went berserk. We gave her more time with him before we buried him.
We couldn't find and signs of struggle, no swelling, it just looked like he went to sleep and and never woke up.
Well, tonight I went out to feed and my beautiful 24 day old beautiful frame overo buckskin colt looked like he was sleeping. Walked over to him and he didn't move. Same symptoms as the first colt. Tomorrow he's going for a necropsy.
Has anyone ever had anything like this happen? Neither colt acted ill or distressed. I'm grief stricken to say the least. We had a colt born last night and I'm terrified that something will happen to him. The one filly we have is just fine.