What's in a name?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2003
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I am in need of your creativity, since mine is sadly lacking.

I’m trying to figure out this bookstore and café business idea I have, since I found out that I probably qualify for grants. I need a name for it though!

I want something that is a bit sophisticated, but not stuffy, something that incorporates what I want the business to be. I want it to be small, intimate, cozy and casual; a place for people to gather and read and talk about reading, to have a nice homemade meal or relax with a book and a specialty drink. I plan to have book clubs and author signings, as well.

I’d love to have a name that references either a Shakespeare or Jane Austen book (two of my favourite classic authors), if I can find a name that suits the store in that direction.

Any suggestions are welcome!
What about a play on words from one of my favorite Jane Austen books "Sense and Sensibility". Instead of that title.... call it "Scents and Sensibility". The "scents" part would go great with the cafe/coffee aspect. The sensibility part would come from the bookstore.
How about a single word:



I'll think on it a while and come back to it if I think of anything good!!! NEAT idea. We have a cool place here that is almost like that called the Astoria Coffee House. They host art shows, and serve the best coffee (they have cute help, too), great food, and it all has a homey lingering atmosphere with chairs for relaxing, wi-fi, music (they even have bands some nights). The place across the street is a bookstore, but their coffee's not as good.

Yours sounds like the best of both worlds!

I like both of those! I'm not sure if Scents and Sensibility would work, simply because of this: Scents and Sensibility Bookstore and Cafe.

Liz- That's what I'm going for, a best-of-both-worlds kinda thing.
The name of your business should denote whatever the business is.

Lisa's Cafe and Bookstore

I"m just no help!
What do ya'll think of "A Novel Experience" for the name?
Coffee, Tea & a Read for Thee

Someday my dream of a store with stones & crystals & Reiki and a coffee/ tea shop with homemade yummies will come true and it will be called, "Coffee, Tea, & Empathy"
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Ooh, I like the Novel Experience....!!!

Thanks! I found out that there's a place in Ontario called A Novel Idea and a place in Australia called A Novel Experience.

We'll see
At this point I'm just gathering ideas and will live with the ones I like best for a while and see what fits. Naming the farm I want eventually (True North Miniatures) and the Kelpie breeding operation I would like to have at some point (Brooklyn Kelpies) was a LOT easier!

Just a thought to help draw business.

Our local library often invites local artists to display their works from time to time. Just having the artwork on display helps bring in more patrons than usual. They do not charge or pay for exibitions but they may charge a commision on a sale. As the librarian has said art and books go togther well. If they sold coffee they would do even better!

Thanks for the suggestions!

I'm getting mixed reviews about the name I came up with, some people think its good, others think it's too much of a mouthful.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated!

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