What's Wrong With Cinny?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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My 1 1/2 year old Miniature gelding Cinnabar is not acting himself so I am asking for help.

He is normally a happy go lucky sort of little guy. But lately he has been laying his ears back, and acting sullen, sour, and grumpy.

He doesn't want to play with his brother, which is not like him at all. When he does get convinced to play he does it with his ears pinned.

This kind of behavior from him started pretty sudden and unexpected. He has been acting like this on and off for about two months. He is very senstive about his flanks and his belly, but not always, sometimes he reacts and other times not.

The vet looked at him and did bloodwork and came up with nothing.

Any ideas? This sort of behavior is not normal for my little distuber!
Any chance he got hurt while playing with his brother? Maybe he has a vetebrae out of alignment or something. Has the vet checked for something like that, or perhaps you could have an equine chiropractor check him. Just an idea.
Sounds like he is pre-occupied with some kind of pain.

Could be his teeth, ulcers, anything.

I'd begin a good process of elimination and go from there.

Best wishes.
My big horse Ferrah has sees the acupuncturist quite often, and it never occured to me until now to give her a call (d'oh!).

Will she be able to tell if I need a chiropractor for Cinny or not? I will ask.

Are there any other exams I can ask my vet to give Cinny? Is there anything I can give him to help make hom more comfortable.
I agree.........He's pre-occupied by discomfort. Start with his mouth (though I don't think that's it) and work on back from there........I suspect it may be his spine or his hip area.

Watch him carefully.......and "listen" to your gut. Then suggest to your vet where to look.


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