Well....we went to the equine vet with my little filly, but dont know much more than we did.
Actually, I knew more about it than the vet did, thanks to you guys...LoL
He watched her walk, flexed her legs a little, checked her hooves, hocks, stifle, etc, and said he would do some research and see what he would come up with. I told him about Ohmt's filly having the same looking problem, and grew out of it. I also told him about the rejuvenaide helping.
So he said, " OK, lets try this "Foal-aide" (basically the same thing) and see if she grows out of it. I will check her again in 30 days"
Hmmmm. Then he wrote me a nice bill......
Hopefully he will come up with something.
Maybe she will grow out of it....but what if she dont.....
I am scared to wait around to see, and then be too late to intervene....