I am an Air Traffic Controller in Flint, MI. My husband is also a controller in Saginaw, MI. I love my job, have been doing it for 9 yrs. I can't stand the whole organization though...it is going down hill so fast, managment (I am a govt employee) is terrible. They forced a contract on us last year and I will never get another raise at my facility, just cost of living increases, if they happen. I still have 13 yrs until retirement. Things are so bad in the organization I can't even begin to tell you the kind of things they are doing to controllers, it is ridiculous.
I just found out last week that they may try to force a transfer on me. It's like the military if you say no, you will not have a job. They are going to force me to go work at Detroit Metro, which is one of the busiest and most stressful facilities in the country. And they are only going to give me a 4% raise on top of it when the salary on the average is about 20-25% higher than what I am currently making. My facility is a couple overstaffed so that's why they are targeting us...it will be the lowest seniority people, and I am one of them. My husbands facility is very short so they can't take anyone away from his. That will put our two facilites about 200 miles apart...it will be over a two hour drive for me from where we live now and selling will be difficult, the economy is awful in Michigan right now. Even if we move in between our two facilities, it will be an 1 1/2 hr drive daily for each of us...I am very stressed about the whole thing and the sad thing is there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.
Enough of my whinning, I guess I should be thankful I have a descent paying job for now.
Lots of very interesting jobs you all have.