I used to work for the Ocoee Police Department (here in Central Florida, in my “hometown” where I grew up) where for the last 6 years I was the Administrative Assistant to two Division Directors of our agency. My direct commander was the Director of Professional Standards Division (Internal Affairs), and my other command was the Director of CID (Criminal Investigations Division), where I basically handled all incoming calls from the public community, other LEO agencies, & DA’s assisting as able and/or further directing to any of our 10 case assigned Detectives, or to other divisions within our agency. I composed and maintained all files for our 10 Detectives with incoming case assignments, all PS case investigations from public complaints of any of our agency LEO Personnel, as well as any Patrol Division Case Investigations. I maintained all Data Entry into the CISCO Data base of all incoming case assignments. Did Transcriptions of all investigative interviews for CID and PS (Internal Affairs), and also for Orange County Sheriff‘s Office (Detective Units) in “mutual“ case investigations. Kept detail into Outlook Calendar of all Court Appearances summoned for all our 10 Detectives and both Division Directors. I also did all the “civil” criteria for background research for all incoming LEO applicants to our agency.
(Where I compiled and verified (from their application entries) all past Employer References, Educational References, Personal References and Criminal Background Checks from all prior area residences.) Twice daily, I maintained all interoffice errands of both Divisions from our building to the main PD across town, where I had my own City Vehicle (Chief's "old" car) assigned just to “me” for those trips. Maintained schedules for Intel Meetings between mutual case agencies, as well as monthly PD Chaplain Meetings. Composed and maintained spreadsheet detail of Annual Clothing Allowances for all 10 "Plain Clothes" Detectives and both Division Directors. Then, in any spare time between all that I kept inventory of all general office supplies for both divisions (CID/PS), and kept all office equipment (copy machines, shredders, printers, fax machines, phone systems, etc.) maintained in proper working order and fully stocked of all supplies. I also kept up with the minor generations of all clerical correspondences for all 10 detectives and both division directors.
I genuinely loved what I did there, but as of last month I gave notice and now just work for hubby’s business out of our home. June 5th, 2007 was my last day with the PD, and from that point forward I became the full time Office Manager for hubby’s business where he does contracting for Commercial & Residential Propane & Natural Gas Installations and Equipment Repairs. I can now set my own hours to “work” and then get to go outside and “play” with our “pasture pets” and my days now are greatly reduced of any stress. I really loved what I did at the PD, and most the guys there I still regard as family…they were like brothers…especially my “real” brother who is still there.
: I do sort of miss my job and the people I worked with…but I sure don’t miss the daily stress though, LOL. A little over 6 years of it, was enough for me.