What's Your Favorite Beverage

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And Sheryl, I just KNEW you were the type to not want to share the Captain!
LOL, Mona. Well, I did share with you kinda, not to long ago.

:aktion033: :bgrin :aktion033: :bgrin :aktion033: :bgrin Oh you sure can make me laugh! I just know it will be something so I start smiling before I even read it! :bgrin

Also Sheryl, I think if "Captain Morgan" ever got a chance to get together with the "Brown Cow", they would have a BLAST together!! :new_all_coholic:
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well my motto has always been, water is to take a bath in... i can't drink plain water unless it's ICE cold :cold:

but part of our diet is no more soda and although i use to LOVE Dr. Pepper - the kids knew if i said i wanted a soda, it could only mean ONE thing - lately if i do "fall off the wagon" and have one, it doesn't even taste good any more :smileypuke:

however i have become an Aquafina Flavorsplash addict! to me it's the best of the fruity waters, it's lighter than the rest.
: even at home we have taken to mixing our lemonade or fruit punch or even fruit juice with at least half water... there has got to be some way to get water down me! i know it's best for me, and am doing pretty good at drinking it with a splash of something in it. and our going out to eat has gotten lots cheaper as we always ask for water with lemon instead of purchasing drinks with our meal.

as for alcohol,
: despite being half German i do NOT like beer or wine... in fact i don't like a lot of alcohol. i know a lot of people who drink all kinds of stuff but can't stand Tequila, well i do like Tequila - and straight up, why would anyone want to ruin good Tequila by adding margarita mix <blech>. the secret is, take it easy... so instead of shots, i drink it like a sipping whiskey, one shot will do ya... also LOVE Butternips (or Buttershots) butterscotch flavored - and cinnamon schnapps. once in a while for a big splurge i will have an Applebee's Mudslide but i hate paying what a restaurant or bar wants for a drink when the same money can buy almost a whole bottle to drink at home and last a lot longer!

now that sounds terrible but i really mean last a LOT longer, i don't drink much at all, i'm thinking savings here
: my ex was mentally/emotionally/verbally abusive and i felt very much out of control most of the time we were together, so as soon as i feel the alcohol start to affect me, i have to stop... i just can't stand that out-of-control feeling... :no:

makes for a cheap date LOL
Orange Juice mixed with diet Sprite/7-up - or equivilent. OR Crystal Lite. I've also discovered some flavored waters I like.

For alcohol I choose a good White Zinfindel ICE COLD.......and sometimes Kaluha and Cream on ice.
Ok.... I'm in on this one. I don't drink soda, I like a Cranberry/Raspberry juice from Costco. I have to dilute it with water because it so sweet, but all natural and no sugar added.

In the evening, white Wine
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Rootbeer and orange juice mixed together first than
OMG, someone else who knows what 'rorange beer' is??? And everyone thought I was nuts!!!!! :saludando:

My favourite beverage is PEPSI

Adult beverage....Stella Artois for beer (on tap...tastes soooo much better on tap), and I loooovvveeeee a well mixed Planter's Punch (though they are very hard to find the way I like them) and can't forget my Bailey's (Chocolate Mint is even better, but Original is good too) especially in coffee!!

Ah, what is Brown Cow?? Is it a Canadian thing, eh?

I'd be willing to "test" this mixture out. hehehehe
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Ah, what is Brown Cow?? Is it a Canadian thing, eh?

I'd be willing to "test" this mixture out. hehehehe
A Brown Cow is just what I drink...Kaluha and milk(actually cream, but cream is too heavy/rich for my taste so I use milk) So you see,what I am saying, is if you and I ever got together, LOOK OUT! We'd have a blast!
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I was a Pepsiaholic but had to give it up and the only diet I can stand is A&W Rootbeer, but I only drink about two a month. I drink a lot of water, or ice tea with Splenda during the summer.

The hard stuff I like has been different at different times in my life. Yukon Jack and 7up, Sloe Ginn and OJ, Kaluha and Milk, Fuzzy Navels. Tequilla doesn't make my clothes fall off, it makes me upchuck almost instantly! The other stuff like whiskey or scotch I can't drink, because of the smell, if I can smell it I can't drink it. :eek:

Usually I'm my hubby's DD so it's just water.
I love 1 cup of coffee a day, though I've cut back to 2 cups a week.

And tons of COLD water!

Diet soda (my fav is diet Dr Pepper-cherry-vanilla)

Iced tea with sweetner.

Rootbeer float!

I quit drinking 20 years ago, no problem with it but I didn't enjoy it. But I would not mind a Hairy Navel again some day!
I'm not much of a soda drinker, but will drink diet Coke or diet Rootbeer. I prefer water or iced tea with a meal the most.

I'm a beer woman and love Sparks or Tilt (energy beer - who would of ever thought of a downer and an upper all in one can! - that person deserves the pulitzer prize!) I can only drink one or two of these because they are kinda sweet and will knock you for a loop since they are 8.0% and if you add the mango Spike to it, it becomes 12%. My favorite beer is Bud Light.

Hard liquor I like a salty dog (vodka, grapefruit, salt on the rim) or a greyhound (same but no salt) or Boones (very cheap flavored wine) with a shot of vodka in it. I do like an occasional margaritta on the rocks, but not very often, usually with a meal.
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A Brown Cow is just what I drink...Kaluha and milk(actually cream, but cream is too heavy/rich for my taste so I use milk) So you see,what I am saying, is if you and I ever got together, LOOK OUT! We'd have a blast!
OHhhhhhhhhhh, I've never heard Kaluha and Cream (Milk for you) called a Brown Cow, just Kaluha & Cream. I think I like Brown Cow better.
I'm going to have to try this orange juice and rootbeer thing. I never heard of such!
Regular coke. Strawberry milkshakes for a treat. Mine & Lee's - a good lime margarita..... In the summer time we have coke floats when we need something wet & cold & filling.
Softdrink of choice--Coke, in fact cokeaholic here. Unsweetened ice tea or water with lemon.

Hard stuff, used to drink Fuzzy Navels (like CyndiM)--peach scnnappes and OJ--yummm. Frozen margaritas, but only 1. Drank a Tequila Sunrise one time, stood up and sat right back down. Best of all Pina Coladas made with ice cream--oh, YUM, YUM--but don't plan to go anywhere after a couple of those, could not get out of the chair, glad hubby drove home (back in the old days when I was still married, and showing dogs).

Beer-- Miller Ponies (7oz) as I can't drink it after it gets hot. With mexican food Tecata with a lime wedge.
I like a good glass of ice water, or Mandarin Mango Green Tea (it's a powder by Lipton and it's sugar free).

For soda, give me Classic coke with a shot of vanilla syrup if I'm going to do soda. That or Dr. Pepper. I don't drink much soda, though.

for alcoholic drinks, my favorite is either straight shot Cuervo Black w/the lime and salt, or a really good, limey margarita.

Liz M.
Vertical Limit then you must try a strawberry daquari... Mmmmm!

Actually, water, water and then more water is my favorite. And when I get tired of water, I put some rasberry or peach Crystal Light in it. I like fruit juice too.

When I quit drinking soda pop altogether (do like that Dr. Pepper) I lost about 10 pounds, and switching to Diet Coke for several years had not helped lose one ounce. But no more for me.

And if you're really hot, how about a lemonade with a fresh piece of mint in it? Or tea with mint?
We are and always have been a non-alcoholic family


I like Pepsi and Diet Green Tea

Dan likes Mountain Dew or Dr. Pepper

Jerry likes ice tea and water


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