Whats your nationality!!?? And where are you from??

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I'm a pure bred Hoosier!
LOL My Indiana roots run very deep.

Actually, I'm a Duke's mixture: French, English, Irish, Swiss, American Indian and some German just for fun.

My great (about 3 back) grandfather came from Switzerland and was the land registrar for Indiana when it was just a territory. He also helped survey part of PA.

His family was French and fled France when the Huns invaded to Switzlerland. The rest of my mom's family is English, Irish and American Indian.

My dad's family is German and Irish with some English to keep it interesting.
I've family members on both sides that are very into geneaolgy, so I get immersed in it

quite often.

Both sides of the family came thru England to New York and then spread out, working

their way to the Pacific Northwest. Dad's side ended up in Canada very early on. He,

however, was born and raised in Michigan. His Mom was pure Scot of the Campbell Clan

and his Dad was Irish.

My Mom's family came from Ireland to England, she was a red headed, green eyed Irish

lass thru and thru. Her grandfather joined Pickett's Army and came to Washington

Territory before it was a state and the family are listed in the Pioneer Families of Washington.

Her father raised Morgan horses in the San Juan Islands in the late 1800's and she always

blamed him for my passion for horses, although he had passed many many years before

I was born. Have to blame someone, I guess.... LOL

I was bred, born and raised right here in God's Country, Washington State. So I'm a

purebred Washingtonian.

Michael's family is pure Finnish, his grandparents came to the US in the late 1800's.

I love hearing the differences in the foods they considered staples to the family diet and

the different traditions that came from Finland.

Great topic! It is fascinating to think of how our ancestors ended up in No America and the

very rugged lives the very early pioneers must have lived.
I'm a full blooded Canadian MUTT. lol My dad's side is pretty clear, his father was Scottish and his mother was Dutch but on my mother's side... oh dear what a tangle, German (oh she always called it Pennsylvania Dutch
) Irish, Scottish, English and perhaps native American. My grand father was the first white child born on a reserve in Washington state and he had straight black hair in a family of blondes and redheads. An Uncle has been tracing our family roots and claims to have proven that his grandmother was in love with a native man and her parents married her off to a white guy asap. My mother's parents moved to Canada by horse drawn wagon in the early 1920's when she was only 6 months old, so I guess I am not even a purebred Canadian mutt.
Only a half breed!!!

My dads side is Dutch, living in the friseland(sp?) My grandpa and his half borther(Herman) came over from holland in their twenties, and my grandma and her sister came over at the same time. Grandma and grandpa got married(ovious huh) along with their siblings getting married as well. Sadly, my grandpa Istel died when he was 42, and grandmas sister passed, so grandma and Uncle Herman got married. SOO, I have a very large family on my fathers side, all of them living in the frasier Valley area. Never short on family to visit when I'm down there

My mom is English, don't know if theirs any Scot or welsh mixed in there, but pure english blood going back to my great-great-grandmother and father. She came over with my grandpa and grandma in the 60's when she was 10, lived in Aldergrove till she was 18.

I was born and raised in BC; though I have moved once, but for the better!!
My dad is 100 percent Polish, his grandparents came over from Poland!! My mom's side is ????? Not sure
But really I am AMerican!! I do love the polish side though!! Lots of good food!!

So I am 50% Polish 50% Mutt and 100% AMerican!!!
Born in the great state of Kansas here, but Dad was Scottish/Irish decent and Mom was Norwegian with a bit of Irish also back there.
I'm a Hinze 57. My heritage consists of. Spanish Royalty, my past grand father was disowned from his family for moving to American and marrying an Indian women. /German/French/ Native American/Canadian Native American, I heard it was some sorta head hunters tribe, that would kill other tribes for their women/goods.
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My dad's parents immigrated from Germany (g'ma) and Switzerland (g'pa)...landed here in Oregon and here we all are.

My mom's from the Bahamas; her parents were the children and grandchildren of settlers who left Great Britain for the Bahamas. That side of the family cares a great deal for "appearances" but in truth, their ancestors were PIRATES in the Caribbean!
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Irish, mostly, but also some French, English, and German. I like to say I'm Irish, though, so noone can pinch me on St. Patty's day. What's with wearing green anyway? From what I heard, the Irish " national color" is blue! Yeah, yeah, Emerald Isle, blah, blah, blah. I digress. I'm Irish- American.
Well, Im English, Scotch, German, and Italian im a mutt

Im am not Irish although many think I am
Wow this is so interesting! What a melting pot this world is.

I'm born and bred New Zealander, with Maori, Irish and Australian heritage.
My Dad is a pure blooded scot from Edinburgh. My Mom has Polish, German, Italian, Swiss, and something else that I can't think of right now. But I am a born and raised Californian.
My Dad always told us we were 3/4 Irish and a quart of Scotch. lol My great grandfather came directly from Ireland when he was roughly 17 and made his way from New York to Maine to stake a claim to land. He returned to Ireland when he was 20 and stayed there for several years then returned to the US when he was 27. My great grand mother and 3 of her 5 children came 4 years later. He had been back to Ireland for a visit roughly 3 years before my great grandmother and the children came and when they arrived in Massachusetts it was the first time my great grandfather had seen my grandfather who was 2 at the time. I didnt find out until last year that originally both of my paternal great grandparents families originally came from Scotland to Ireland. They left Ireland because of family problems he was Irish protestant and hers was catholic. Thats my dads side of the family my moms side was English. But I am 4th generation American on my moms side and 2nd generation on my Dads. So Im a Main A born and bred. Still wishing the original generations had stayed further south. lol I cant imagine the hardship of clearing land and building houses and barns all with horses and hand tools but that is what they did. My husband is German Dutch Irish and English so that would make my children real mutts I guess but beautiful mutts in my eyes.
I'm an American. My family on my Dad's side were Irish/Black Dutch with a touch of Apache and my Mom's side is Cherokee/Comanche and English. And yes.....don't make me mad
. It takes a while to get me angry but when I reach that point......YIKES!
I am American.

My Mom is a Swede that was born in England but was born a citizen of the United States.

My Dad's side is American Indian, German and French. Growing up he remembers all of his grandparents.
[SIZE=12pt]I was born in Montereal Quebec, Canada. I'm adopted but my father (I was told) was French Canadian and my mother's folks were from England

My Dad was mostly French but my Mom is 100% Pollack. My grandparents came over from Poland. As a child this was very cofusing to me as our last name was very french (Buyea), however I was only aware of our Polish heritage and when people would ask "Buyea, is that french?" I would reply "No, its Polish" and I must have sounded like such a little smart@@!!!

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