I'm using the same program I used out in Colorado still.
January - Ivermectin
March - Anthelcide EQ
May - Ivermectin
July - Panacur
September - Quest (Ivermectin for young, underweight, debilitated, or Cushings horses)
November - Strongid
I generally use "Golds", ie with Praziquantel, when available during months with Quest or Ivermectin.
Most mini people do not use Quest on miniature horses due to their low fat levels. Horses with too little fat can release the drug into their system too quickly, resulting in an overdose. This overdose can take place even though the horse is dosed correctly.
Edited to add:
Fecals CAN lie... at least, they can not tell the truth. Its kinda like the saying, all ponies are horses, but not all horses are ponies... A "dirty" fecal means the horse has worms, but a clean fecal does not mean that the horse is NOT infected. ALL horses have worms... EVERY SINGLE ONE. The key is keeping them under control.