When Life Just Doesn't Make Sense

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2003
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Please keep my family in your prayers. Today we are a little frustrated with the whole job search. My husband's company closed in January and he has been on the pursuit of a job ever since. It has never been this difficult for him to get a job in the past. He is a hard worker and had perfect attendance at his job. Lately he has followed up and heard that, "the position has been filled" more than once. I'm wondering if it's something we are doing wrong? But this is a verse that has helped me lately because it has been such a tough time in the world for so many, and I'm certain we are not alone in this.

The end part of Matthew 4:45.

...for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

In other words bad things happen to good people, and none of us are immune to the rain.

Though things can be a little discouraging at times I have to say that we're alive and healthy and the sun is shining today. On the bright side! We have been very busy and are enjoying time together as a family that we otherwise wouldn't have. I hope things are well for you all! Thanks for reading
Please don't despaire, We thought we would make it through this recession better then the one during the Reagan years, wrong, I retired in 2001 because my Doctor told me too, because of my arthritis and degenerative disc deasease. Hubby was laid off the end of 2008, we had enough in savings to last about 9 months, saved for emergency, we made it last a year, also around that time was when the farm started to go into the red, no one has been buying foals. Or if they do they want you to give them away or sell them for 20 cents a pound. Well, hubby got back to work for a few months, then got laid off again, mind you we are senior citizens, so some jobs require a certain percentage of employees to be over 55, but really no help, as we kept hearing he was over qualified. He finally got a job, with no benefits and reduced pay and we had to cobra in our hopitilation. WE are making it, but barely. For the last two years we have grown our own vegtables and only buy groceries once a month, meat and dairy only. I buy pet supplies at walmart and all paper products. I can and freeze everything. We don't go out and last year didn't even show our horses, as money was tight and I needed surgery again. You will get by, just hang in there and don't give up, the Lord is with you.
This is a second post, sorry but I can't figure out why it won't let me edit the previous post, any way, watch out for scammers, seems that want to hit you when you are down. I have been wanting a professional web site for some time, to help with the farm, well while all this drama was going on with hubby looking for work, my daughter said she would have someone make a professional site for us, just basically redo the one we have. She paid this person half the money, when ever she called to check on the work was told that well, I have a show this weekend, or I have Nationals, then it was worlds. this is a mini person, all of her e=mails went unaswered and phone calls were not returned, so I tried to no availe. So use caution and take a lesson from us, don't pay anything upfront without something in writing, when you are having a tough time finacialy. People will hit you when you are down, take care
Hi Tab, I continue to keep your family in my prayers. I know this is a hard time for you and your husband but I have to think that it will get better and 20 years from now you will look back and say it was tough but we made it through and are stronger for it. Take care, my friend.
Tab, I know where you are coming from. My mother and I live together. Although now I am becoming more of a care giver than a daughter. She was a security guard for over 20 years. She was let go because of her age (75). After a year on unemployment she finally got another job. It was only part time. But, it was work. She was laid off the day before Thanksgiving. Because the part time job paid a lot less than when she worked full time her unemployment is almost nothing. I am on disability because of a severe neck problem and pain that is not fixable. In reality the 4 horses I have are more work than I can do myself. I am now in the possition that because of the high cost of everything, I have to get a job. Yeah, lots of luck in the state that has the highest unemployment rate in the nation. I guess what I am trying to say is, this too will pass. I just don't know what I will do when my mother passes. She pays for the house and I pay the running cost. I know it isn't much help but, there is always someone worse off than you. There are people way worse off than I am. Just be thankful for what the lord has given you and you will be blessed.
I appreciate and love you all, and I thank you for your understanding when the venting comes to the surface. I appreciate the shared camaraderie. I was having a very difficult day yesterday in ways I can't really express fully on here. Thank you for the prayers so much AND your wisdom! Things are going to work out and we are thriving on the prayers

Laney, Thank you because my mind sure didn't feel beautiful yesterday. I hope that I can become perfected in all my many imperfections!

Thank you Riverrose, I'm going to pray for you today, and thank you for your encouragement and advice. I truly hope things get better for you too! I'm sorry to hear you need surgery and also that you got scammed. I have one friend that truly has the best job security out there, he's a prison guard!

Debbie, Thank you and I really appreciate your friendship and your prayers! My husband is the most optimistic person I know and I'd never seen him so down, but the email you sent was such an encouragement to him and us. I will never forget it!

Katiean, you and your mother seem like very strong people, and strong people are survivors! I sure hope due to your mom's work ethic that she lives to 110! Work ethic like that is somewhat of an oddity unfortunately. You are right, there are people much worse off. My family is very blessed, thank you for that reality check!
When we face this type of crisis it is all about "survival & preservation"
There are times when we need to resort to every cost cutting, $ saving & stretching practice we know. While you may not want to, you should consider applying for federal food card (we send trillions overseas, when we need help ourselves GO GET IT), there are many fuel assistance programs, ask about them while there and apply. If it's a one time payment, fine. It's an amount you needed and didn't have. Local church groups often have various help programs to assist those with just such short-term matters as you now face, seek them out. This helps preserve the amount you have or may have coming in for other needs, until you are able to get back to work.

Don't feel guilty, you can help another the same way in the future. There will be such needs for a while from what I'm seeing in the economy.

Then we have all the cost saving measures we have all had to begin actively using -- even if we had forgotten them before -- heat temps down, lights out if not in room, hot water tank off large part of day, use those leftovers, grow veggies, can/freeze foods,use coupons,plan your trips to conserve gas, etc. Make it a priority to use what you have on hand whenever you can, vice get new/more, plan ahead....make it a pleasant event by trying to do "more" each time you look at your week ahead.

Frugal, yep....and that is not a bad thing!
Bess Kelly, your words are wise. I am going to try to hold onto them. My family; though none well to do; have been blessed as all still have jobs (even my son now, who had been unemployed for over a year) and we have our little horses are able to care for them still properly. I hope everyone who wrote on here and is in need receives the help, jobs, and such as they need. May God bless everyone.
Thank you for this, Bess! I thought I was pretty good at being frugal before but through this I have learned a lot more about making money stretch. For example, when my husband was working he didn't have as much time to fix his car. Recently his gas tank had a leak and normally we would go to an auto parts store to get a replacement part. On a rare occasion he would pay to have it fixed since time was so short. This time we were able to find a replacement at salvage yard and it ended up saving him at least $800 in parts and labor! This was a difficult fix since the sub-frame of his car was built AROUND the gas tank. It was also quite an accomplishment for him when it was fixed.

Finding a deal is fun, too. I am learning a lot through this experience. Certain days are frustrating and some days are really great... learning to roll with the punches more and more and I'm thankful for the prayers and learning from the wisdom of others!
Well at least you now know that you are not the only one in this boat! There are many out there struggling just to get buy and making do with what they have. We must not forget the important things, such as sharing, helping and loving each other. I hope that soon the economy gets better and no one else loses their home or livly hood, hang in there, I'm sure times will get better for all of us. I just told my daughter yesterday to trust in the LOrd, she has been out of work for two years, but there are some out there worse off then us. Smile, hold up your chin and know that you are not alone.
My husband was out of work for 15 months and to get a job he had to go 3,000 miles away. That was 10 months ago, I have been here, waiting to sell this place and he.. over there. It isn't easy at all, some times as much as I can bare but we are happy he has a job. Things would be much worse other wise.

Anyway.. my way of saying you are not alone. That a good job will come along, even if it might mean having to move. (hugs) To all of those out there going through this too.

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