Well-Known Member
Lillington, NC address - between Sanford and Lillington.
South and West of Raleigh
Just North of Ft. Bragg & Fayetteville (the bombing practice yesterday was rattling our windows so hard in the cold I thought they were going to start breaking and falling out!!
I've started driving all over NC. There are a handful of places to go PLUS as a member of NC Working Horse and Mule Assn we have individual farm owners who have trails on their larger farms that are set for group trail drives. On some of those drives the farm owner sets it up to allow a drive to go thru other connecting properties. Sometimes we have minis and other ponies join us in different areas - singles and multiples... Almost all the plow days have trails around the fields that are being plowed - some are literally just around the fields and others are "over hills and thru the woods" ...
Pics of some of the "other minis" at a drive last year. I didn't get the chance to really talk to any of them, my one mare that I drove was having major meltdowns and I was kept busy and attentive with her. This was at Danny Jackson's farm in Mt. Olive, NC. Some of these minis were show horses... I think there were 10 other minis at that drive - I was AMAZED!! I'm used to being the only one, LOL.
South and West of Raleigh
Just North of Ft. Bragg & Fayetteville (the bombing practice yesterday was rattling our windows so hard in the cold I thought they were going to start breaking and falling out!!
I've started driving all over NC. There are a handful of places to go PLUS as a member of NC Working Horse and Mule Assn we have individual farm owners who have trails on their larger farms that are set for group trail drives. On some of those drives the farm owner sets it up to allow a drive to go thru other connecting properties. Sometimes we have minis and other ponies join us in different areas - singles and multiples... Almost all the plow days have trails around the fields that are being plowed - some are literally just around the fields and others are "over hills and thru the woods" ...
Pics of some of the "other minis" at a drive last year. I didn't get the chance to really talk to any of them, my one mare that I drove was having major meltdowns and I was kept busy and attentive with her. This was at Danny Jackson's farm in Mt. Olive, NC. Some of these minis were show horses... I think there were 10 other minis at that drive - I was AMAZED!! I'm used to being the only one, LOL.