Where do you buy your harness?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2003
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I know this has probably been asked and answered before, but I need to buy a nice-looking show harness (preferably rolled leather or beta/biothane or at least nice and thin) for a 42-44" Shetland. I don't want to spend a fortune on it, but want it to look nice on my refined ponies. Who sells ones like that?
I'd really like to know if the guy I bought my show harness from out of New Mexico is still in business and how to get in touch with him again. If only I could remember his name or the name of his business... anything!
: All I know is the harness was awesome and affordable. If anyone has any ideas of who I might have purchased from please let me know.
I just bought a very nice show harness from Ozark Mountain. I know I'll be very happy with it! I did lots of research first and asked many people that like to show what they prefered and what was affordable.
I am in love with my Lutke show harness, but they are expensive. You might get lucky and be able to find one of those second hand. They are extremely refined and delicate to look at but strong. I got lucky and found mine "second hand but never used" on the sales board here and paid $850 for it about 2 years ago. It hadn't ever even been on a horse.
You guys have 44 inch Shetlands??

42 inches and below is the limit in the Shetland Stud book!
I got a nice harness from country carriages USA. It was about $300 They are great to deal with. Mine is beta. They can get you a smuckers, etc. They may also have used stuff. Ozarks Mountain also has great quality and VERY reasonable.
You guys have 44 inch Shetlands??

42 inches and below is the limit in the Shetland Stud book!
42" is the limit for FOUNDATION shetlands. Regular shetlands I believe the limit is 46".

I buy my harneses from Mini Express also. Ozark has nice harnesses too, and I also have bought from Robinson Tack Shop, they have some really nice leather harneses.
I only use Ozark Mountain's harness. I love the quality, the fit and the balance of each of their harnesses. I only use leather and the quality of their leather harnesses is fantastic. I have had working harness as well as show harness that have lasted me years and still have years of life left in them.

They have pony size harnesses as well as miniature.

Ozark mountain is where I got mine from. Great quality, reasonably priced and I had it in 5 days.
I've had(and sold, since I'm pretty well out of breed showing)a couple of Lutkes--my everyday harness is Smuckers--I also have two other Smuckers for showing-a Pleasure and a Russet Deluxe(an absolutely GORGEOUS piece of work, for sale, BTW, as I have no vehicle it is correct to use with...). Have a pair harness made by someone no longer in business-very nice, but not 'top-of-the-line. My latest favorite harnesses are a single with deep V breast collar, and a pair harness, in betabiothane, from The Carriage House, in FL.

For suppliers who deal pretty much only in mini/pony harness, based on what I have seen, I would recommend Ozark Mt., Mini Express, or Star Lake--all seem to handle decent harness that isn't too expensive.Estate Supply has some nice-appearing harness, also-will cost a bit more, I believe. Ozark Mt. now offers a VERY nice looking ADS-type harness, too(which our "own" Dr. Pam had a hand in designing!-it is priced comparably to that of some of the higher end makers, though--with harness, you will find that you tend to get what you pay for-the REALLY good stuff costs some decent $$.

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