Our bed: Scrunchy (had that named when he adopted us) , 7yo min pin x toy rat terrier under covers at my feet; rescue chi - Pepsi - 5yo, under covers by my side; Two, crazed Lhasa Apso rescue dog 2yo, on covers next to David unless he is on nights, then on his pillow crying every 2 hrs (she really loves him and has horrible separation anxiety)....; Ellie May, 2yo Golden retriever beside bed or blocking bedroom door

One outside dog - Jackie, 9 yo Rott x has dog house in mini pasture where she guards HER horses day and night! Hates the house and strange dogs

You think that's bad - during the day, Two has to go to work with one of us, Scrunchy has his own pillow to stay in bed all day, Gizmo has his own pillow also, Pepsi sleeps on the back of the couch with Joseph. Wrangler, Ellie, and Indy go out in their pens.
My dogs are not spoiled - I am well trained, LOL