Where does your dog(s) sleep at night???

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OK I am not completely nuts but the bed is getting pretty crowded - here is the list:

Topper the very overweight and 10 yr Dalmation has his side of my bed, then Katie the 3 year old Boxer has her spot on my hubby's pillow (he works until about 2 am so it is a free for all until he gets home); Dixie my 2 yr Havanese sleeps on my pillow, Daisy my other 2 yr Havanese sleeps curled up near my knees, the 2 Havanese puppies, Kira and Annie are allowed to sleep on the bed until Guy gets home and then he boots them to the X-pen & dog bed in the kitchen where they are kind of happy until about 4:00 AM
and last but not least our 10 yr Pyrnese has decided that the couch in the family room is far preferrable to the front porch or running the fence line and barking --- and thankfully he is happy there because the bed is pretty full!

I probably shouldn't get any more dogs!!!

Cid, my 13 year old Schnauzer/Yorkie...
Dr. Pam, Does that make him a Schnorkie or a Yowser?

Keith and I have an antique Victorian full-size bed...in other words, not very big. We share it with our 4 dogs and 3 cats...

Hillary, our 13 y.o. Westie mix, sleeps on my pillow, wrapped around my head like a hat, only moving to give us face washes. Sophie, our Maltese/Toy Poodle cross, sleeps under the covers in between, often in Keith's arms. Shadow, our Toy Poodle, used to have poor self esteem and slept at the foot of the bed in a tiny ball. Something changed recently, because now he stretches out up near our shoulders, often lying on top of Sophie, who he doesn't realize is under the covers. Teddie, our oversized Yorkie, spoons against Keith's stomach, and in an effort to get closer to him kicks against me as if he's trying to kick me out of bed.

Next come the cats. Willoughby loves to sleep on me and logrolls to stap on top. Jobim is our baby boy...a bottle baby...and usually snubbles into my arms at some point. Santana wants to prove his devotion all night, but in the process he has to lick our noses with his rough tongue, which gets real old real quick.

In the middle of the night, at least two of them migrate down to the foot of the bed so that I can't stretch my legs...
uhoh.....my king sized bed may have a new occupant come monday night.....
....hmmmm just what can this be
This probably doesn't count as this picture was taken during their daytime "NAP" LOL!

But I can always be assured that one or two of them will be on the couch in the morning.


Well "my" dog Homer sleeps wherever I am. And since I sleep on the sofa in the living room, he sleeps on the loveseat, or is his crate next to the love seat, he goes back and forth. If I were to sleep in a bed he would be curled up next to me. He occasionally sleeps on the sofa with me, but he gets peeved because I move around too much.

Shelby and Darcy our other dogs sleep in my parents room. Shelby goes between the floor next to the window and on the bed at my Mom's feet. Darcy has a bed next to the TV in the corner of their room.
Our 3 yr old Maltese, Molly, sleeps with our daughter or us if she is out late. The our 6 mos old Mastiff "Scooby" sleeps in his crate. When I get up, usually before anyone else he wonders around to either my sons room or jumps into bed with hubby! LOL
My 7 week old cocker spaniel sleeps in the chicken coop with the kittens. They're all getting big enough that they'll get to become yard dogs in a few weeks.

The other cocker, the cocker/aussie and the aussie sleep on the porch in front of the door or under a tree near the door when the weather is good. They move to the barn and their dog house in colder weather.

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