Which way do you think is more accurate in estimating future heighth?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2006
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Is measuring at the last hair and then using the estimated height chart per age more accurate than measuring the cannon bone of foal/sire/dam and comparing them or vice versa? Reason I ask is for one of our foals the height chart puts the foal at a very tall height but his cannon bones measures out the same as his sire who is a good 2-3 inches shorter than what the chart guestimates the colt to finish out
This will be an interesting thread to follow.

I do not know which would be more accurate. But, I do know some bloodlines mature much earlier in height than others... I do not know if the different measuring techniques would have given some insight or not. I have one who hasn't grown since he was about 15mos old, which is typical of his line. I've had others who grow some right up until 3yo.

So, I will be interested to hear what those with more experience with newborn foals will have to say.
I've always had pretty good results using the cannon bone measurements. This measurement is actually from the coronet band up to the "hole" in the knee following the contour of the leg.
I would use the form that worked for his sire.
If the knee of the foal is about the same length as the mares when they are standing next to them that is a fairly good measure. But i use the cannon bone measurement. Coronet to the space in the middle of the knee x's 4 and add 2.

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