While ridding Molly today...

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We were heading past the pond to the trails and I thought I saw our cat wondering in the snow on the trail but looked again and it was a possum comming towards us. The ugly little thing stuck his big rat nose up in the air and smelled, Molly returned the favor and they had a stare down.... The little possum turned around and tryed to hurry back threw the snow useing Mollys trail threw the snow from the previous day. I figured if we passed him he would bite my horse and give her a disease so we stayed about 10 feet behind him and followed the stupid thing for a good 2 minutes before he finally wondered off the trail and back into the woods. Molly was being a nut on the rest of the ride and stopped to look behind her quite a few times, make sure the little creep wasnt on her heels! But we saved the possum, unfortunatly LOL, their was a hawk flying about our heads, Im sure he was after the little possum but didnt dare with a big horse right there! Ahh the things you see on a trail ride

LATER I took the mares for a walk and guess who I saw waddleing in the snow on the trail again.... yep the stupid possum.... arent they suppose to be a night time animal? He was a baby, not full grown, maybe he was lost, he is really close to the house, I dont know what his deal is but I prefer he leave.
I hate possums. I have not seen many this year. But last year they were all over the place. Good thing your horses didn't get bitten by the possum. Last year my friends horse got bitten by one, but know he is back to himself.
LOL well at least you and molly are fine. Poor Possum, i dont like them but its good you thought about helping it!.


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