Who all have you met

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[SIZE=14pt]Ok now I have to add too. Sorry Carolyn, didnt mean to forget you, also met[/SIZE]


Dr Pam

Farmhand and Fran

Janice Silvio


Lisa Davis

Lisa B Ozark

Im sure I will think of more as I read the posts.

Not to many that actually post on here l think only Jenn Kendra Kim Dee Apolo Dali Happy and Lorraine..but l know most of the breeders around here read because if you bring something up they say yep they saw that on the forum. :lol: :bgrin
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I guess I didn't hug you hard enough last year Lyn! You forgot me!

-Bev from Knollac Farm

-Ginny & Izzy from Blue Ridge

-Nancy from Galloping G

...I believe that's all... I would love to meet Jill, Lyn and REO though along with many, many others!
How sweet! I'd love to meet you too Michelle!

I know there are more than this that I've met but can't remember. And there are many more I've seen in person but didn't get to talk to.

But you asked for it! These are just the ones I've met and spoken to.



angel cowgirl

audie (which I'm thankful for)






bob r

breezy ridge

britt helm


charmed minis (Linz!)

connie ballard

DakotahMoon Ranch (smooch!)











marion 59



minimomNC (I love this woman!)

MiniV (Larry)




rockin r
















and three others I know.

Only 52 on my list! I know I met more at Nationals last year but can't remember
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I have met Robin C and Hairicane ....... both wonderful people whom I appreciate and I just love Jeniffer of Hairicane minis
Triggy, who is absolutely priceless and a complete dear.
: I locked my keys in my car an hour from home while visiting her on Thursday and she drove me home and back again at midnight to get my spare keys! :new_shocked:
: :aktion033:

Nootka, Squeaky, Clickmini, CountryRose, R Whiteman (lurker), Bullington Enterprises, CLC Stables, Showoffs by Shannon, probably some others I've seen but didn't get to actually talk to like Crabby Chicken. Lurkers at the CDE's whose forum names I don't know. I truly hope to meet BlueRocket, Dr. Pam, Al B, Bilbo's-mom-in-Idaho-whose-name-I'm-forgetting-due-to-insomnia, and Minihgal one of these days.

I've talked to Bonnie Fogg, Lisa B of Ozark and Stacey Score by phone.

Will get to meet Susanne, Shari, LindaL, maybe BigDogsLittleHorses or MooreAcres, hopefully a bunch of others either at shows or during our NW ocean trip this year.

It's so great to make friendly "faces" from the internet become real people and real friends!


Edited to add: I also want to meet Margo and Rabbitsfizz, and how could I have forgotten Valerie on the list of people I think I glimpsed at a show?
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Back when we were still in Maine we met Julie Flannigan, who I "think" has two forum names
: , "Sundancer" & "Normajeanbaker".

While were there in Maine we were also visited by Maryann and Larry Cerillo, "MiniV", who came to see us while there were over on the East Coast, visiting Larry's family.

We've met many other "Mainers" during our time there, who I'm positive are at least "Lurkers" here on the LB, but I can't recall of their actual forum names at the moment. :saludando:

Since our time back in Florida...

Oh gosh, lemme see if I can get my "remembering membrane" to squeak...

Ok, There's Jennifer from Hairicane, who came to race with us once, and also came to drive with us in a couple parades...looking forward to MORE of that soon!

A couple years ago, when I was finally able come to grips with letting go of my QH mare, Summergirl, I met her new family, who I'm not sure if they are forum members, but I know the do come to the LB, because that's how we met through my listing of my mare on the LB Saleboard.
: They came down from TN, and we came up from here in FL, and both met halfway in GA, to deliver her to them. (Keepsake photos of that day on my website, Summer's keepsake page at: http://www.angelfire.com/fl5/swatricks ) in case ya ever wanna see what a PRETTY GIRL my Summergirl was/is.

While on that trip, I didn't get to meet Bill and Wannalyn of WWMinis, but I did get to meet their horse trailer, as they loaned it to Summer's new family to pick her up in, LOL.

On that same trip, after we said our last goodbyes to my precious baby girl... we got to stop in at Debby's place there in GA, her forum name is "Debby", of Ramblin Rose Ranch.

That was such a special day...in that we got to meet Debby, but bittersweet, in that it was the last time I saw my Summergirl...though for a while after, her new mommy did still send photos of her from time to time.

Oh, gosh...I know there are many others, and I'm scrambling with my "remembering membrane",

but I know when I'm not "trying" to remember...that's when it'll all come to me.

So annoying sometimes how that works, LOL!
I'm getting old!

Oh...I do hope to soon get to meet Robin_C, as I bought a race bike from her so long ago, and she's been holding it for me, FOREVER!!! Godbless her sweet heart! I hope to get to visit her soon and meet her... and rid her of the burden of that bike taking up much need room.

EDITED: For spelling.

EDITED AGAIN...see told ya I'd remember later...

Ok, by phone, I've met one of my dearest friends, JoAnn, "xxs" on the forum. Another dear friend, Steph_D, and also Sandii of "Quartermoonfarm".

Many others I've met over the phone, but not sure if they are LB'ers or not, as we met through other minihorse groups on the net. Lots others too, that we correspond with almost daily by emails and/or cards/letters through snailmail.

Oh also, I've met Amanda Wade too! A few years back at a charity function we both volunteered at.
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:bgrin Thats alright Lyn, it was a very quick Hi, nice to meet you and off to show in a class!

I think we all forgot some people.

I met Dr. Pam at Nationals too.

It's the age thing!
[SIZE=14pt]Oh No Robin!!!!! I remembered you and your beautiful hair!!!!!! So sorry![/SIZE]

Oh my gosh...I know I am going to forget someone...if I do, let me know and I am sooo sorry (it will of course be by accident!
: )

Nootka, Crabby-Chicken, Kendra, Jenn, Meadowwind, maryjomoore, MooreAcres, susanne, Big Dogs & Little Horses, shortpig, Miniv, Michelle@WescoFarms, Bullington Enterprises , clickmini, CLC Stables, Sheri Hill, hhp, MagicMinis, Disneyhorse, Laura (and Mia
: ), Lisa Davis, Ozark, LynJ, Laurie Villopando (spelling her last name wrong, I know, sorry!), LoriG, Jayne, ....? (edited...thought of 3 more...Dr pam, Dana, and omg....how could I forget...minimama!)

There are so many people on here that I would love to meet...not going to starting naming them, now that would be a HUGE list!!
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[SIZE=18pt]i've met Tammy's Husband from C-spot miniatures. I really want to met some others that are in New England.[/SIZE]

Joyce - from Conneticut live about 5-10 minutes from my husbands Aunt, so the next time we go there we are going to set up a visit.

I had planned a couple of roads trips of other people I want to met, but with gas prices I don't think I'll be able to. But you never know.

We returned, Wednesday, from our first trip to the East Coast for my

son's college graduation.

I've been talking to Cheyenne (Sterling) for several years now,

since the first Forum Christmas exchange.

So we drove from Wahington DC to New Jersey to meet in real time,

Cheyenne, her husband Ted, Ms Lakota, Tweety, Hershee & Manny -

oh, and Larry the cat...........

If you think she is wonderful online, meet her in person!!!!!

She is the sweetest, gentlest and loving person, ever!

What a great visit we had and one night we even went to see lakota in her

obedience class......... Go Lakota!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hugs Cheyenne - if you're out there today.
I met a whole bunch of people at the AMHA convention a couple-three years back. Nootka and her whole family (though Colton was still in the womb then), susanne and her hubby, Al B and his lovely wife, LindaL and her two kids, Sheri, Crabby Chicken, Tony, Connie who is from Germany and her dad, both of whom are delightful (and, oddly, we could communicate better with them than with the people from Texas!), Rob/CLC who we LOVED to dish with, and I know I'm forgetting some names ... sassy lady with bleach blonde hair that we drank a lot of margaritas with at the hotel and her gang - Annette? - none of whom I can remember their names but they were fun. They came attached to Rob. Anyway ... I've also met Rod/Meadowwind, Stacey (former forum member) and Lisa more than once at shows etc.

We loved the NW people for the most part. They were cool enough to be Canadians! We'll adopt you anytime - provided you pass the test of drinking REAL beer and REAL whiskey and eating REAL beef!

Oh, and of course, Kendra, who is my best friend since high school and is the other part of "we" listed above.
I have met two, Getitia (toured her beautiful place in Ohio June of 2004) and Lisa of Ruff N Tuff here in Idaho. I hope to meet more of you someday!

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