Back when we were still in Maine we met Julie Flannigan, who I "think" has two forum names
: , "Sundancer" & "Normajeanbaker".
While were there in Maine we were also visited by Maryann and Larry Cerillo, "MiniV", who came to see us while there were over on the East Coast, visiting Larry's family.
We've met many other "Mainers" during our time there, who I'm positive are at least "Lurkers" here on the LB, but I can't recall of their actual forum names at the moment. :saludando:
Since our time back in Florida...
Oh gosh, lemme see if I can get my "remembering membrane" to squeak...
Ok, There's Jennifer from Hairicane, who came to race with us once, and also came to drive with us in a couple parades...looking forward to MORE of that soon!
A couple years ago, when I was finally able come to grips with letting go of my QH mare, Summergirl, I met her new family, who I'm not sure if they are forum members, but I know the do come to the LB, because that's how we met through my listing of my mare on the LB Saleboard.
: They came down from TN, and we came up from here in FL, and both met halfway in GA, to deliver her to them. (Keepsake photos of that day on my website, Summer's keepsake page at: ) in case ya ever wanna see what a PRETTY GIRL my Summergirl was/is.
While on that trip, I didn't get to meet Bill and Wannalyn of WWMinis, but I did get to meet their horse trailer, as they loaned it to Summer's new family to pick her up in, LOL.
On that same trip, after we said our last goodbyes to my precious baby girl... we got to stop in at Debby's place there in GA, her forum name is "Debby", of Ramblin Rose Ranch.
That was such a special that we got to meet Debby, but bittersweet, in that it was the last time I saw my Summergirl...though for a while after, her new mommy did still send photos of her from time to time.
Oh, gosh...I know there are many others, and I'm scrambling with my "remembering membrane",
but I know when I'm not "trying" to remember...that's when it'll all come to me.
So annoying sometimes how that works, LOL!
I'm getting old!
Oh...I do hope to soon get to meet Robin_C, as I bought a race bike from her so long ago, and she's been holding it for me, FOREVER!!! Godbless her sweet heart! I hope to get to visit her soon and meet her... and rid her of the burden of that bike taking up much need room.
EDITED: For spelling.
EDITED AGAIN...see told ya I'd remember later...
Ok, by phone, I've met one of my dearest friends, JoAnn, "xxs" on the forum. Another dear friend, Steph_D, and also Sandii of "Quartermoonfarm".
Many others I've met over the phone, but not sure if they are LB'ers or not, as we met through other minihorse groups on the net. Lots others too, that we correspond with almost daily by emails and/or cards/letters through snailmail.
Oh also, I've met Amanda Wade too! A few years back at a charity function we both volunteered at.