Debby - LB
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I don't generally answer these posts but I do learn a lot by reading them, however I think I'll join in on this one.
Both handsome boys Mona! it seems a shame to try to compare the two since we can already see the mature one but the yearling we have to guess how he may mature.
Ditto I don't really like I'm sorry. I tried to not make a decision until I saw each ones page but my first impression of him was "old style" and I've never liked the minaitures with the neck topline extending to the middle of the back.... so here goes,
I see a front end that appears to me way too heavy and his neck ties in low in front. I also don't like how he is "camped out" behind and those back legs just don't seem to have correct angualtion. His legs are too short compared to his upper build, I don't like the short canons. I like to see legs that are longer than the depth of the body. I do Love his head though.
For Royalty he has a way better rear end, shorter back which I like in a stallion, over all he has more refinement. He's more balanced but has a slightly upright shoulder, I Love his neck tie-in in front but am not sure of how it ties in at the whithers.
He has a much better leg to body ratio. He has a pretty head but his muzzle to me looks too big for it, the other horse to me has a beautiful head.
If I had to choose between them I'd choose this one mainly because the things I saw that I wasn't sure of will resolve with age. I don't think I'd move this horse until he matured out, I think you'll like what he'll become.
Both handsome boys Mona! it seems a shame to try to compare the two since we can already see the mature one but the yearling we have to guess how he may mature.
Ditto I don't really like I'm sorry. I tried to not make a decision until I saw each ones page but my first impression of him was "old style" and I've never liked the minaitures with the neck topline extending to the middle of the back.... so here goes,
I see a front end that appears to me way too heavy and his neck ties in low in front. I also don't like how he is "camped out" behind and those back legs just don't seem to have correct angualtion. His legs are too short compared to his upper build, I don't like the short canons. I like to see legs that are longer than the depth of the body. I do Love his head though.
For Royalty he has a way better rear end, shorter back which I like in a stallion, over all he has more refinement. He's more balanced but has a slightly upright shoulder, I Love his neck tie-in in front but am not sure of how it ties in at the whithers.
He has a much better leg to body ratio. He has a pretty head but his muzzle to me looks too big for it, the other horse to me has a beautiful head.
If I had to choose between them I'd choose this one mainly because the things I saw that I wasn't sure of will resolve with age. I don't think I'd move this horse until he matured out, I think you'll like what he'll become.