Who do you prefer better overall, and WHY?

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I don't generally answer these posts but I do learn a lot by reading them, however I think I'll join in on this one.

Both handsome boys Mona! it seems a shame to try to compare the two since we can already see the mature one but the yearling we have to guess how he may mature.

Ditto I don't really like I'm sorry. I tried to not make a decision until I saw each ones page but my first impression of him was "old style" and I've never liked the minaitures with the neck topline extending to the middle of the back.... so here goes,

I see a front end that appears to me way too heavy and his neck ties in low in front. I also don't like how he is "camped out" behind and those back legs just don't seem to have correct angualtion. His legs are too short compared to his upper build, I don't like the short canons. I like to see legs that are longer than the depth of the body. I do Love his head though.

For Royalty he has a way better rear end, shorter back which I like in a stallion, over all he has more refinement. He's more balanced but has a slightly upright shoulder, I Love his neck tie-in in front but am not sure of how it ties in at the whithers.

He has a much better leg to body ratio. He has a pretty head but his muzzle to me looks too big for it, the other horse to me has a beautiful head.

If I had to choose between them I'd choose this one mainly because the things I saw that I wasn't sure of will resolve with age. I don't think I'd move this horse until he matured out, I think you'll like what he'll become.
Mona, just keep both until you can breed Royalty to your mares and then see what you prefer in the foals they each produce. What I like about Ditto is his face, I like what I call the "bad boy look" and to me that comes from his breeding (buckeroo). I don't like ultra feminine stallions in any breed at all, a stallion to me should look like one! I see what Kim sees though and she is an expert in driving. I think it's time that we do more with our minis than producing for halter witht he tabletop backs. With the market the way it is they need a "job" and driving is it for minis since they can't be ridden. I noticed that most of your mares are bred to Ditto for next year foals. I am anxious to see what he produces. I have to say that the next mini I am going to buy is more than likely going to be a "driving" mini. More than likely a gelding that is already seasoned in driving. Perhaps with Royalty's motion you could concentrate on "driving" progeny
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I prefer the more refined look of Royalty, but would like to see him mature before I made the final choice.

What I don't care for on Ditto is his overall heavy build and it looks like his hooves are sort of upright. Also, his neck is thick and ties in low. He has a decent length of hip, but also looks long and low, overall, for his bone structure. There's something about his front legs/hooves that bothers me, too, like they are turned out or something. Not sure if it's an illusion, but I couldn't find pictures to fully satisfy what I was thinking if it's wrong or just the way the pictures make him look, but I do see it in more than one photo.

He is also very heavy in the forehand, just not a balanced look overall.

I would add that he is somewhat out behind and appears sickle-hocked, too.

I would far rather give Royalty a chance than Ditto, from what I'm seeing. It would depend some on the mares, but overall, Royalty is more my type and has more to offer in the next generation.

(also looked at the photos of sire and dam where available, to make my choice)

Liz M.
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My vote is for Ditto. My assessment was much the same as Jill's in that I see Royalty already thickening a little as he ages, and think he will likely be as heavy as Ditto but taller, taking away what I felt was his one major advantage over Ditto--refinement. Overall, I think Ditto is a very nice stallion and would stick with the tried and true.
Mona - I don't believe that I would let go of the yearling until he matures more. I have to very much agree with the folks that say, you may really like what he may become.

I once had a yearling filly that was 33 inches, she is five now and always measures in at around 34.
Ok, I have not ready any other post as you instructed and looked at each boy's page. Here are my comments for whatever they may be worth.

Ditto: I like his muscling and his masculinity. I don't like that his pasterns seem to be very upright and his shoulder seems a little straight too. Also, his front end seems to be heavier compared to his hind end, although that depends on which picture I'm looking at. In his show pictures he looks better balanced (and his pasterns don't look so straight either so maybe that is a trimming issue). I like the length of his back compared to his underline, and I like the slope of his croup (not a fan of the super-flat or uphill ones).

Royalty: He has longer, more sloping pasterns which I like better. I think he has a very nice head and expression. He has a nicely set on neck and appears to be growing into himself very well as far as balance and muscling. I think his hip may be a bit short/weak. It's hard to tell for sure but it looks like he might be camped-out too. He also seems to me to have a good length of back.

So, having said all that, I'm not sure who my favorite is. I think they are both pretty nice but I would like to see what Royalty was like mature before I picked between the two I think. If I had to pick now I think I would pick Royalty though.
I like Ditto best. He seems to have the whole package look to me. Also he has a more appealing head in my opinion.

Royalty is nice, and seems to have a more refined neck- but that could just be age for now.

Also he seems longer bodied. Most of the taller minis seem to move better but- I would be concerned he would out -grow his A papers too. Would be intresting to see how he finishes.
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Well I have looked several times and not read any replies. I am far from qualified to judge confirmation but I know what I like over all. Ditto brings me eyes to him in every pose, I truely think he is a good stallion I love his lines and his heart, that said I do think your Royalty has "potential" to be as good as Ditto as he matures. Yearlings are so hard to judge, they change in a month or so then get ugly then blossom at 3 and you look and say OMG (either for the good or bad). Can I read it all now?

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