Who does the cooking in your home?

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I'm a lucky gal, my husband does all the cooking and he's better.

If he's late from work and I cook, the 4yr old twins cry.
We share and cook together too! He's a great cook and I can cook a really mean dish when in the mood!
I like to cook, just hate the clean up part. BUT, now that my kids are of age, hubby and I cook and the kids get the joy of cleaning up!!
Heheh, Mark, I just learned something about you that I never knew before!

I do feel lucky that my husband enjoys cooking. He cooks a lot of really heavy and intensive meals, also, and while I don't mind getting involved w/the cooking, and having a lot of ingredients, I kind of prefer to try new things now and then, like I enjoy ethnic dishes, and find it challenging to make good meatless dishes, too.

I'm lucky in that my whole family is open to these new ideas, and one of their favorites is my version of "rama thai" which is tofu w/spinach and broccoli and a peanut sauce. It really is GOOD, and good for ya.


I do wish I had a nicer kitchen for cooking in, though. It's so cramped and small and badly designed (built in the 50's), that I get depressed thinking about the holiday meals coming up.

Also, we eat out a LOT, probably at least half our meals are eaten at restaurants. Used to be more often, but I got to where I enjoy having control over the ingredients and got to be more of a critic about food. *LOL*

Liz M.

When Paul and I got married he did NOT know how to cook. After 18 years

together he's turned into a pretty good cook. The kids can cook too. This comes

in handy during show season. During show season he cooks, during off season

I do. He can't bake though but I do. When we first got married his cooking was

so bad the kids wouldn't even eat leftovers he heated in the microwave! Can't

blame them, anything he cooked then turned black and hard. We share now,

he's so awesome! Linda B
I do ALL the cooking. but, I also absolutely LOVE to cook. I used to own my own catering business and had the greatest time but now with a family of six, it is like a catering business. LOL

My husband only knows where the kitchen is for two reason, one, it is on the way to the dinning room, and two, it is where he finds me when he needs to compalin about something the kids did, or didn't do.
Well everyone cooks here......I do most of the cooking for dinners during the week...or everyone is on their own with soups/ramen/sanwiches......on the weekends my hubby likes to cook/bake/bbq.......my kids even occasionally make breakfast (they are 14 and 9 boys) we all enjoy eating and cooking......
I do all the cooking 100% every day except on Friday nights when we get pizza. I also do dishes too but I'd be open to share anytime but so far no takers.

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