Who here feeds Nutrena Safe Choice

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2008
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I have been feeding my horses Nutrena SafeChoice to my horses since last fall. I love it and how my broodmares and babies look since they have been on it. But I have noticed that the condition and "bloom" is not there for my show horses. Their coats are not like I want them. They look dull. And I have also noticed that their toplines are not filled in like they should be. I am feeding them all the recommended amounts for performance horses. Plus good quality bermuda grass hay and adding 1 cup of BOSS each day.

Do you think that I should up their feed ammounts? Or start adding in something else? I don't want to switch feeds again. But if I have to then I guess I will. Last year I fed Equine Jr to my show horses and they did "too well" LOL! But I had to feed ALOT of it. This year it is just the opposite. My horses are too thin.
Not a fan of Safe Choice...or any Nutrena feed / product for that matter. I have not had any luck with Nutrena feeds keeping my horses looking how I expect them to look as far as weight, tone, energy level and bloom. I really do like the Purina and Buckeye products though and have had amazing luck with Strategy by Purina.

Oddly enough, if you read Nutrena's feed tags you would think their feeds would be better, I always go high hopes when trying a new nutrena feed back when I fed that crap as the tags on the feed do look oustanding but obviously they are missing something in their feed mix...Now, one feed I did have okay luck with was XTN which was about $21 a bag when I tried it out and its basically just a high fat performance type feed. But I can think of atleast 20 other feeds off the top of my head that are better and cost a lot less...

I do have a friend that feeds XTN and has really good luck with it though so if I had to feed anything from the Nutrena brand it would be the XTN, and most of my horses are what I consider harder keepers..

Safe Choice is not MY first choice ....
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I think in all honesty most of the major feed companies have feeds that are very similar- that said every horse does differently on the same feed. I wish I could find one feed to feed everyone but I have not yet been able to do so.

We have a 25 yr old pony who does horrible on any Sr feed but does great on the safe choice it is all she has eaten for the past 2 years. She is shiny and fat and looks great if she wasnt graying around the eyes and face no one can ever guess how old she is.

For my other horses though I found I had to feed a lot of it to get the bloom I was looking for. They looked great on it but seemed to sort of peak.. same thing with strategy.

I am currently feeding race ready and equine JR along with beet pulp some get a mixture of both feeds others just one depending on the horse.
We didn't like Nutrena SafeChoice, the results being very similar to what you described. Our best results (so far) have come from Strategy & Equine Sr. We also use beet pulp & EquiPride.
I have been feeding Safe Choice for about 3 months now. I have noticed that my fluffy mare is losing her belly fat. Her neck has really slimmed down and I'm now watching to make certain she doesn't lose too much weight. My stallion looks good but doesn't have that glowing coat he has had in the past. My gelding is losing his fluff also albeit slowly. My other mare is also losing weight and again I am watching her to make sure she doesn't lose too much.

I used to feed Nutrena Allbreed and my horses just sparkled in the sun with no other supplements and their coats were super soft. Whatever grain mix I feed they also get beet pulp and an excellent quality of local grass hay.

Over the years I have tried the new fad grains but seem to switch back to the allbreed after awhile which is what I will probably do again this time. I will wait till they are all where I want them before making the switch however.

I am glad someone posted this and has seen the same results I am seeing.
We used Safe Choice for one show season a few years back. It was the worst my horses have ever looked. One of them I was having to feed tons of it to maintain his weight. Their coats looked terrible. I was just not happy at all with it. Switched them to a different feed company late in the show season and was much, much more happy. Not a fan of Safe Choice here.

Last year when Nutrena had a big promotion,I switched from Strategy to Safe Guard just to save money. After a few weeks I had groups of horses that stopped eating. I taiked to people who were having the same problem, ended up with horses on Gastroguard (which wasn't cheap) I switched back to Strategy and all the horses started eating again. My horses look good on Strategy and I do have the show horses on Beet pulp to keep a nice top line. I won't ever feed Safe Choice again even if it was free.
I use Safe Choice on my vet's recommendation on 2 foundered mares. Wanted something to give them a little oomph for winter. I am very happy with it. I can't use anything like sweetfeed or strategy, so happy with the Safe Choice.
I used to feed Safe Choice and liked the results I had. All of mine had glowing coats even without bathes. This is one of my mules at a show, no bath, just a good brushing down.


I never had issues with any dropping too much weight or having to over feed them to keep them in good shape. My problem with it is my QH lost his feet to it. After about a month of feeding it to him his feet went soft. Not just brittle but squishy soft. he couldn't hardly walk. Took him off the feed and within 2 months he got his feet back. The other issue is they don't seem to keep the same formula all the time. If you read their tag it is "by products" rather than wheat germ, etc.... They can cut costs by using cheaper fills. I think it changes the taste so if you have a picky eater they won't eat it. I have 2 here now that won't touch it so I have to feed them something else. My program is simple so everyone gets the same kind of feed, just different amounts. Right now I'm feeding Kent Dynasty Pro which everyone loves but I really don't like the Starch content. Clinton Anderson backs it but I'm looking for something different.........
I just spent the past 2 weeks switching my horses over to Safe Choice from Farnum Mini Feed (all but the mares in foal) because I kept reading rave reviews for it. Probably too early to see any results from the product yet but they are all getting nice and shiney. This could also be from shedding their winter coats which they seemed to have speeded up recently. As for the people who feed Strategy, I just read that there was a recall of this product dated April 16, 2010 because it had metal fragments in it. The feed was made in March in TN and sold in about 8 or 9 states.
I feed Legends 14 Grow and Preform, by Sourthern Estates to everyone except the broodmares, weanlings and yearlings. They get Legends Mare and Foal 16. We did feed ADM, and we loved it, but the Nutritionist at the feed mill gave Legends Rave reviews. I clipped everyone and they are all perfect. One or two a tad pudgy, but they shine and exude good health!

It has a better tag then Strategy, ADM, and most Nutrena feeds. I spoke to the owner of our feed mill and a regional Manager of TSC and they said SafeChhoice has had the highest rate of incidence with recalls to their knowledge. That was that for me. I didn't research it myself, but didn't truly consider the feed for long.

I just know this new stuff has been great. We feed that an a quality Alfalfa/timothy mix and pasture blocks and all are looking phenomenal. Even our old girl, Chye, a 21 year old arab who had lost her top line previously. I swear by that feed now! A little pricier, yes, but WELL worth it!!!!!!!!
I did feed ours Safe Choice last year cause we were quickly looking for something different to feed them cause we were getting so bad colics last year with the new Omelene feeds. The Safe Choice did do wonders on a gelding to help put the weight back on. BUT I did not like the way it made the horses look, dull coat, etc...

I switched then to everyone on the Kent Dynasty horse feeds and I really like this feed. I had skinny horses get back in good weight for like 1-2 months. I also made a switch of feed just right before Nationals to my yearling gelding. It was a big gamble but he didn't look good anyways from feeding the Safe Choice. My gelding looked so good his coat was real nice, his belly was off, he also IMO had more energy.
Thanks for all the replies everyone!

I have decided that I am going to go back to using the Equine Jr on the show horses and see if they improve. Costs $3 more a bag and I will have to feed more of it. But if it can get my show horses looking like they did last year on it then it will be worth it.

The area that I am in does not have many options for feed. Purina feeds are easy to find as well as brands like Atwoods(I HATE). My vet carries the SafeChoice only.

Alot of the things that you guys have mentioned here, I am also experiencing. But it is reassuring to know that I am not the only one.
Julie, I had a rescue mare that I used safe choice on about 5 yrs ago and loved it. It worked excellent for her. After we moved I switched to a different brand of feed and she did just as well, so I didnt use SC for 3 yrs.

A few months ago, TSC had a coupon out for SC and I bought 2 bags. I emptied both bags into the bin. EVERY TIME I reached in to the bin to get a scoop my arms would get dusty and itch terribly. And stranger the horses didnt like it either. I ended up feeding it to my chickens. Went back to my regular brand.

I dont know exactly what caused the problem, but I do not trust to use it again. I cant imagine what was causing me to itch, but it felt just like fiberglass on my skin.
I have been using Safe Choice and for a year now. It is doing what I need it to do and the horses's coats are soft and shinny. Horse's love eating it and no issues with it either.

It is the only feed of its type in my area.

For a couple of them they get Nutrena Lite Balance.. also no issues with that one either. Neither are dusty or itchy in any way. The pellets are clean and smells good too.

Purina I don't trust because they have had too many recalls. Plus I have had some bad experiences with it in the past.
I have been feeding Safe Choice for at least 3 years now and love it. No dull coats.

About a year ago I thought i would try Strategy, but I had a problem with mold in it. So I returned those bags, waited about a month, bought some more and had the same problem with mold.

So I stayed with Safe Choice as i have had no problems with it.

The only horse I have that doesn't get it, is my 28 year old stallion. I found what works best for him is Purina senior. (Nutrena Senior doesn't work for him)
I love Safe Choice and have used it for over 5 years. I have to constantly trim their tails and manes b/c they grow so fast on it. (one was an appy who's tail never grew past her hocks!) I've never had any horses refuse or had the other probs mentioned. You can wet it for the older ones with teeth issues and it makes a great mushy meal.

I've used on horses of all ages. too
The best thing I've found to put a topline on is soaked Beet Pulp. I've fed Safe Choice for years and love it. I use the Beet Pulp for a cheap filler and to get the water in them, I have not had the first problem with sand or any colic episodes since starting it.
I know this is an older thread, but I thought I'd bring it back up and see if there are any more thoughts on feeding Safe Choice.

I'm mostly happy with my feed program, but I have two that need something different, so I'm checking different feeds out.

If anyone out there that feeds it has time and wouldn't mind, I'd appreciate a copy of the feed tag. I'd like to see an ingredient list, but its not on the website. Thanks.

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