Who is the Lucky one that is going to win this cart???

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2006
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Mt Pleasant N.C.
[SIZE=24pt]Edited to add the latest web address for the Ad[/SIZE]

Link to cart picture and information

Don't miss a chance to get your tickets. I am mailing some to Oregon tomorrow.

Check the sale board for chance to win a Double Diamond Show cart and show harness.

Sponsored by the East Coast Miniaure Horse Club

You will find more information on our web site and message board. Maryann
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[SIZE=36pt]Edited to add newest link to ad. [/SIZE]

Show cart description and picture

Thanks for posting the Link to the ad . I am so sorry you had trouble viewing our web

site . I will never understand computers, LOL . Something can look perfectly normal

on mine and then I look at it at work or my sisters and its different. Any way the information

is posted on the upcoming events page and also on our message board under General. Thanks

again for posting the link. We are really excited about someone winning a new show cart and new

show harness. !!! :aktion033: :aktion033:
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Raffle tickets will be available at our Spooktacular this weekend
out of curiosity, anyone have any idea what kind of price range the shipping would be if someone won that who lives a couple of states away? Just wondering how much I should set aside from my tax refund so I can get it home when I win, lol.
Double Diamond did some research and came up with an estimate , to ship to say

Wisconson it would be around $150-$175.

If I won a brand new show cart and new show harness , I would gladly pay that for shipping. LOL


However if Double Diamond is scheduled to be at a show near you they have agreed to deliver

to that show if you win. :aktion033: :aktion033: Or maybe I should say when you win
: I love that positive attitude. !!
just bumping this up so everyone gets a chance to win a beautiful show cart. Where else could you get a brand new show cart and show harness for so little money. So take a chance and buy a few.
I just had a Jerald cart shipped here from Iowa recently - it was crated and shipped Fedex, and was $275. They tried to charge me $450 but that's another story...
Uncrated takes off about $100 for the weight difference.

I'd happily pay the shipping to win a new cart though LOL. Great thing for the club to offer!

I had asked Double Diamond what it would cost to ship it to Wisconson and the estimate was between

$150-$175. But I guess it depends where its shipping from and too and type of shipping etc. They will bring it to

any of the shows they attend if you can pick it up in there.
Good luck to all
Mary ann
bump bump .... MA is beachin' it , so if you need to purchase tickets while she's gone , let me know.
Millie , this indeed is an awesome opportunity to own a beautiful Double Diamond show cart and harness valued at over $3000

I as a member of ECMHC would like to thank Gary, Deanna and the whole Double Diamond gang for all their support.

Double Diamond and ECMHC ROCK!!!!!
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Thanks guys for keeping this bumped up. The Beach was beautiful.

Wow wish I could have stayed for a month. Oh well back to reality .

Horses to feed, poop to scoop.

We will be selling tickets til April 18th. Please let me know if you need

Still looking for the perfect "secret santa" present ?? Why not a raffle ticket to win this gorgeous show cart !!
What a great Idea!!! And for your bestest friends !!!
Right Trish? LOL I plan on having a pocket full

by the time we draw for that cart. Please everyone don't miss out on your chances. We will be drawing in April for the show cart and harness but tickets are going fast !! Several of you have ordered tickets from me. If you would please confirm for those that may not be totally trusting of me ( you can never be too careful and I understand
) that I did indeed send you your tickets. Thanks so much. Can't wait to see who the lucky winner is. Maryann
Righto MA ... you and Jim have been so awesome I wish I could buy you a pocket FULL of tickets !!

Am I the only one that got an error message when they clicked the link :DOH!

Edited to say ... link is working for me now.
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