Who would you love to be President? My choice would be.....

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There is NO ONE who would be a "good" President !! The President is just a figure head, no matter what he/she says or promises there are too many outside factors going on. Democrat, Republican .... makes no difference.
There is NO ONE who would be a "good" President !! The President is just a figure head, no matter what he/she says or promises there are too many outside factors going on. Democrat, Republican .... makes no difference.
We wouldn't have had Obamacare shoved down our throats under a Republican administration. Just one of many examples of why I have to disagree with what you've said above.
So much for trying to keep it fun - and not just another political soapbox.

So back to what Marty intended... FUN.

Sonya - Ted Nugent is an inspired choice!! I disagree with almost everything he has said at times - but he says it with passion and he is "enthusiastic" to say the least! He would be great fun!

We could also try... Jon Stewart.
I like the idea of a Paul/Stewart ticket, I think they would balance eachother out, or even, ohh, Paul/Obama. I see them as differing in their ideas, but right in line with their honesty and directness.
Marty, You sound just like my very wise mom. She has been saying that for years, with a little twist! Put a farm wife in there, she will run the place firmly but fairly!

Agree that we need a much more conservative senate/congress. I did not say Republican, but it wouldn't hurt if we all weren't a little more conservative.

Newt certainly has presidential confidence and Santorum has good values, which tell me he has a firm character. Which also tells me again that he is better than BO. (Something stinks.)

ABO, amen! I seriously think Alfonzo Rachel would make a great president. He has great ideas and is extremely forthright and genuine. Perhaps with Herman Cain as VP. Yeah, I can't help it, I still think he was our best bet. Jim Bob Duggar? I think that is also a great idea. Michelle Duggar would make a very classy first lady. She would be in charge of Education
Give the homeschoolers more freedom, and parents more choice where they are able to send their kids. They have extremely good financial sense to collectively manage money and stay out of debt. This country could use the reform... understatement of the century.

I also like Jill's idea of Sarah Palin for Sec of Energy. Sarah Palin has been painted so wrongly that many see her as a nightmare to conservation. (By mostly City-dwelling liberals). There are just too many out-of-touch politicians. We need to see more down-to-earth people. Our unfortunate weakness is that we are the "nice" party, constantly taking baseless attacks so brutally but instead of giving it right back we sometimes roll over. It is a sign of weakness. We do need to spend less time defending ourselves from the attacks and more time standing our ground. I really appreciate that about Jill, she stands her ground!
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I think Alfonzo Rachel is a kick!
Others that I like and hope to see more of in the future are Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, and Paul Ryan.
I have NO idea who this Dugger person is y'all are talking about. If this is supposed to be a "light-hearted" response, then I agree with those who mentioned Ted Nugent! Yeeeehaw! I could also see someone in there like Sheriff Joe Arpaio!

But if we are being serious, my first choice has always been Ron Paul. He's the only person who truly KNOWS and respects the Constitution and doesn't kiss anyone's butt in order to win votes. He tells the truth, he has no political baggage, and he's got no skeletons in his closet, and he's the ONLY one who has the sense to keep pushing for an audit of the Fed.

Since he doesn't have a prayer, though, I'm with Romney. I would not vote for Santorum because he said the other day that Obama would be a better choice as President than Romney. So what the heck kind of *conservative* would ever say anything that stupid?

And Gingrich hit the skids when he said last month that if Romney got the nomination he wouldn't vote for him. So here we have Santorum and Gingrich, two REPUBLICANS, acting like doltish fools and saying they wouldn't vote for another Republican if THEY weren't the ones to receive the nomination? How's *that" for loyalty to their party! Just leads me to believe that's the same kind of loyalty they'd show if they actually became POTUS. A pox on both of them!
"But if we are being serious, my first choice has always been Ron Paul. He's the only person who truly KNOWS and respects the Constitution and doesn't kiss anyone's butt in order to win votes. He tells the truth, he has no political baggage, and he's got no skeletons in his closet, and he's the ONLY one who has the sense to keep pushing for an audit of the Fed.

Since he doesn't have a prayer, though, I'm with Romney. I would not vote for Santorum because he said the other day that Obama would be a better choice as President than Romney. So what the heck kind of *conservative* would ever say anything that stupid? "

Please reconsider Wee, You have made your selection on the only relevant reason one can, well if they are intellectually honest.

Because intellectual honesty IS a spiritual issue, it becomes easy to make an honest choice irregardless what others may do or say.

The bankers money is behind Romney and the vote is manipulated to him as well. He is the bankers choice. I will not be swayed by the programming so evident in trying to get the populace to vote for their slavery. As I took the same oath, I can't.

Rather I would like you to consider standing your ground and vote prayerfully for the man who WILL live up to his oath as he always has.

As the differences would be slim twixt "left" and "right" at best, why not?

As an aside, I have been finding it more and more curious that to date we have, a Mormon, not one, but two, opus dia Catholics and a Baptist running. Yet, the most honest, the most Constitutionally perfect and the most Christian gentleman is the one scorned, lied about, stolen from, object of ignorant ridicule and media ignored man running. The modern day Pharisee is alive and well.

As he has all the right enemies, he MUST be the right guy.

"As for me and my house......"

Please reconsider Wee, You have made your selection on the only relevant reason one can, well if they are intellectually honest. Because intellectual honesty IS a spiritual issue, it becomes easy to make an honest choice irregardless what others may do or say. The bankers money is behind Romney and the vote is manipulated to him as well. He is the bankers choice. I will not be swayed by the programming so evident in trying to get the populace to vote for their slavery. As I took the same oath, I can't. Rather I would like you to consider standing your ground and vote prayerfully for the man who WILL live up to his oath as he always has.
Well, let me say this: Last time RP ran I contributed to his campaign and was the only person for miles around with a big Ron Paul sign in my yard.

Next week when we have our primary here in Wisconsin I will cast my vote for Ron Paul. However, he simply will not get enough votes to get the nomination to run against Obama, and in that case I am hoping Romney gets the nomination.

I don't understand what you mean by "voting prayerfully."
How about this, before any Congress, Senator or Pres, man or Women can get that posh well paying job. They must serve 8 years in the Military, Active duty Enlisted, front line, no special treatment, they Must live off their Enlisted pay and only be allow Military medical.

Right now, they are just a bunch of rich, out of touch with the rest of the US, panty wastes

There is no Dem no Rep.... just a bunch of greedy people out for their own gain, and to heck with the rest of the population.
How about this, before any Congress, Senator or Pres, man or Women can get that posh well paying job. They must serve 8 years in the Military, Active duty Enlisted, front line, no special treatment, they Must live off their Enlisted pay and only be allow Military medical. Right now, they are just a bunch of rich, out of touch with the rest of the US, panty wastes There is no Dem no Rep.... just a bunch of greedy people out for their own gain, and to heck with the rest of the population.
I'm with you on the military service! It's always ticked me off that we can elect presidents who become the "Commanders in Chief" of our military forces, and can send our young mena nd women overseas to die, when they don't have a CLUE as to what it's like! How can we make a person Commander in Chief when he has ZERO EXPERIENCE in that field???
"I don't understand what you mean by "voting prayerfully."

Was somewhat of a play on your phrase "He doesn't have a "prayer" of a chance.

Two points of distinction here to be noted. Always start with questions.

Could it be that one (of many) reasons that "he doesn't stand prayer of a chance" , is that otherwise intelligent people compromise and don't stand behind him no matter what?

Who says he doesn't "stand a chance"? No I'm not referring to the mantra crowd. But who ORIGINALLY said he doesn't stand a chance? How and why do they know this? Why do they say this every time an election cycle comes around?

If you don't ask the obvious questions and then seek to answer those questions with a preponderance of evidence at least, you will never arrive at the truth.

As I am "casting pearls" again, I leave you "conservatives" with this,

Yesterday as I was traveling down to pick up a batch from paint, I happened to look off to my right to a farmers field. I saw a sign for "McCain/ Palin. An immediate understanding overtook me and I smiled for I understood the meaning of the sign.The sign meant, "You are being offered the very same worthless type of candidate this time too. Do you remember?" (I suspect the sign was erected as a reminder from a Paul supporter.)

AND you are being given the VERY same worthless reasons why you simply MUST vote for the worthless AND destructive candidate.

One would think that after using the very identical rhetoric EVERY election cycle that otherwise intelligent folk would see through it. Especially after watching both parties destroy their country and steal every vestige of Liberty our founding fathers died to secure to us.

If you fail to fight for Liberty, you will NEVER have Liberty. It is just sad that those of us who cherish Liberty are drug along by those so gleeful to give it up. But history dictates that this is the way of things.

Now, off to my work that I love,

IMO when Marty started this thread she intended for us to have fun with it, so I'm going to have some fun. I nominate: Jeff Durham, he already has a cabinet full of dummies, that include a grumpy old man and a dead terriorist! HAHA!
IMO when Marty started this thread she intended for us to have fun with it, so I'm going to have some fun. I nominate: Jeff Durham, he already has a cabinet full of dummies, that include a grumpy old man and a dead terriorist! HAHA!
Well, I think when some of us posted, we intended to try and bring some sense into the discussion... Not like it's a serious issue -- just the direction of our Nation
Oh Sheri, that is priceless, I know I've already nominated someone but I'll second Betty White! She would be great for us animal people.
Well Jill, I was trying to have fun, and make light. I take my civic duty very serious, and have been voting since I was of age. I was also raised in D.C and met many a politician, most of them I didn't care for. I vote for the best person, not just on party lines and have actually crossed lines before. I was NOT poking fun at anyone for their opinion, I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion even if it disagrees with mine. Makes people more interesting. Since I'm Cherokee I realize my people havn't always had the right to vote, so I encourage my children and other I meet to take advantage of this prized right.
Back at you!
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