Yes we are in pretty good spirits and getting ready. I am getting tomorrow off for baking and getting this old house cleaned up. My step son will be joining us and no telling which buddies of Dan will show up for a second round of dinner after they finish eating at their parent's houses so I'll be armed and ready for anyone who drops by. We have a 22.72 Butterball and almost all the food bought. I'm heading to Chattanooga on Wednesday am to the new Publix Grocery store down there for last minute grocery items and cheater food because they have a killer bakery and a deli that's out of this world. I will buy something sinful.
Our Thanksgiving tradition is on Wednesday night, we do finger foods and orderves and Dan has been cleaning out the turkey ever since he was a little tiny thing. He just loves cleaning that thing for some unknown reason so that is what he's going to be doing while I make the stuffing.
Thankgiving morning we have this ritual where I make everyone come and watch the Macy's Day Parade with me while the turkey is cooking in the oven. Its the rule. My parents told me that is when the TRUE Santa Claus arrives in this hemisphere, the real deal, and I passed that on to my kids. At the end of the parade when I finally get to see "him" I get all choked up and my eyes get wet and I'll say things like "Doesn't he look wonderful this year?????" and "Just look at that beautiful outfit" and everyone has to agree with me or at least nod. This is usually followed by someone throwing a pillow at someone or someone getting smacked upside the head and everyone ends up telling me to dry it up....... But its SANTA!!!!!!!!
Ok so I'm an emotional holiday maniac type person, what can I say?
After dinner I'll be doing dishes and next thing I know, everyone has dozed off right as I prepare the pie and coffee.
Then we will spend the weekend freezing while working on our Christmas light show. YAY!
And oh! I got the herd super clean and shinny and groomed to the nine's with show sheen and scrunchies too of course. I just hope they can stay that way for 5 minutes.
I love Thanksgiving!
Are you ready???

Our Thanksgiving tradition is on Wednesday night, we do finger foods and orderves and Dan has been cleaning out the turkey ever since he was a little tiny thing. He just loves cleaning that thing for some unknown reason so that is what he's going to be doing while I make the stuffing.
Thankgiving morning we have this ritual where I make everyone come and watch the Macy's Day Parade with me while the turkey is cooking in the oven. Its the rule. My parents told me that is when the TRUE Santa Claus arrives in this hemisphere, the real deal, and I passed that on to my kids. At the end of the parade when I finally get to see "him" I get all choked up and my eyes get wet and I'll say things like "Doesn't he look wonderful this year?????" and "Just look at that beautiful outfit" and everyone has to agree with me or at least nod. This is usually followed by someone throwing a pillow at someone or someone getting smacked upside the head and everyone ends up telling me to dry it up....... But its SANTA!!!!!!!!
Ok so I'm an emotional holiday maniac type person, what can I say?

After dinner I'll be doing dishes and next thing I know, everyone has dozed off right as I prepare the pie and coffee.

Then we will spend the weekend freezing while working on our Christmas light show. YAY!

And oh! I got the herd super clean and shinny and groomed to the nine's with show sheen and scrunchies too of course. I just hope they can stay that way for 5 minutes.

I love Thanksgiving!
Are you ready???

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