Katie Iceton
Well-Known Member
Love drivin, in the snow is just as good!
HAah well we were lucky, we didnt have nay ice under this snow, do it was safwe, they can definetly drivie in the snow! LOL As long as there is no ice! A week later after this pic, the entire driving area was sheer 2 inch ice, we had a thaw then rapid freeze, so havent driven since! But no ice=DRIVING IN A ONE HORSE OPEN SLEIGHOkay, help me convince my husband that my mini can drive in the snow! That looks like SO much fun! He thinks the horse will slip and fall and get hurt. I know God created them to manage in the snow - maybe not ME :no: , but the horse has 4 legs on the ground: . I think a drive in the snow with bells jingling would be wonderful.
Bob- I love the waves and thumbs up driving on the road too. But around here, people would run me over! Glad you have such a nice place to drive Tonto :bgrin
all these pictures are so wonderful. Maybe I can make it through to spring after all: