Wolf pack in my area

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2005
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Williams, OR
I'm very concerned about my critters right now. We have a pack of 5 "Hybrid Wolves" running loose in my area. Monday my neighbors horse ended up going over the fence into my pasture. They said that a strang dog(big dark possibly wolf cross) was chasing her...you could see the skid marks before the fence and she bent part of the fence and got tangled in the top wire. Really skinned up her legs. I haven't seen the dog they're talking about. Then I get an email from our local disaster alert group that some lady has 3 hybrid wolves that got out of her yard when a tree fell on the fence. She's been trying to lure them back with meat scraps etc but has had no success. The 3 that were loose are not friendly(I suspect she rescues them) and she has 2 that she raised from pups so she turns them loose hoping to get them to bring the others in. Animal control says that just made it worse.......now we have a pack of 5 running loose. People have already been reporting missing pets and livestock being chased. Of course I am terrified for my minis(plus all my other critters). I'm keeping the front gate shut as that puts one more barrier before the pasture. I thought about putting everyone in the barn but I don't have enough stalls and if I lock them in the runs I'm afraid it would just make it easier for the wolves to get them. Plus the barn is on the blind side of the house...I can't see it. The pastures are behind and to the side of the house and I can visualize and hear things better. I also have a loaded shotgun at hand. Dog packs are bad enough but wolves????? I could strangle that lady! I know she's trying to help them but geez..... All animal control has done so far is to cite her.
It's Animal Control needs to be out there with a gun, not you!! Someone needs to call in a child has been attacked, that should do it. I have NO tolerance of this issue, it is totally man made. Of course I "feel" for the poor "dogs" BUT why on earth were they bred in the first place?? As I said, NO tolerance.

A few men keen on a days hunt should do it, IMO.

Do you have a local Hunting Club??

So long as they get a good clean shot it's not hurting anyone, better the "dogs" than yours, or someone else's, treasured horses.

In the mean time, if your barn has doors that are totally closeable, I would bring them in.

Could you set up the motion detecting lights outside and a camera inside??

The trouble is, as soon as you do this "cross" they lose all fear of people.

Blah....I'd shoot the people that bred them, personally.
I completely agree, Animal Control should be out there looking for them, and shooting to kill when they find them.

Barring that, what can you do to protect your horses? Shoot the wolf-hybrids yourself. I'm not sure, though, how effective your shotgun will be--I'd have more confidence in a rifle.

We've had a pack of timber wolves in our pasture several times. The one night they came in close enough to put one of our Morgans through the fence--they weren't actually hunting, because as the game warden said, if they had wanted the horse, they'd have had him. They were just here snooping around, and got close enough to the buildings that this one horse got spooked & busted through the fence. The next night the wolves made a kill (big whitetail buck) just north of our place; the horses heard the commotion & were spooked real bad. Took them a week to settle down after that. They haven't been back here (to my knowledge) in a long time now--they do have plenty of good deer hunting back in the forest, so they pretty much stay there.

Much as I don't care for timberwolves coming around, a pack of wolf hybrids would be much, much worse.
Keep your horses in. If you see these poor beasts, kill them. They are not natural, as Rabbit said and can't help themselves and should be destroyed. If your animal control won't take care of it, do it yourself. Your family is the most important thing to you. Protect it. I don't normally feel so cold towards any animal, but these aren't a product of natural selection and are very dangerous to your livestock. That gives wolves a bad name, and they belong here!


and to take a note from Rabbitsfizz If you don't like it, sue me.
I like dogs and I love wolves......these poor creatures are neither
they are a vanity item created to make money and let some fools own what they believe are wild animals........lock your animals up if possible......all of them...if you have dogs they are in danger as well.........I grew up in an area that often was plagued by wild dog packs ...they were far more terrifying than wolves or coyotes.......I cannot believe the stupidity of some people
I completely agree with Rabbit and everyone else. A wolf hybrid is different than a full wild wolf. Wolf hybrids are known to kill for "sport" - not just for food.

Frankly, children, pets, and livestock are at risk when there is pack like that on the run. I am amazed that your local authorities aren't going to get more aggressive.

Your shotgun is not going to cut it, I'm afraid.......One radical thing to do would to be to get together with others in your area and hire a professional to track down and take care of the pack. I hate killing, but........

In the meantime, I'd keep your horses, your pets, etc close to home and inside at night.

Good luck,

Thanks guys. I'm planning on calling animal control on Monday and put a bug up their......well, you know. Everytime the dogs bark I'm jumping up to see what's going on. Luckily I have great neighbors that also are on the lookout, and have better guns! I keep hoping I'll get an email that they've caught or killed them. I'm with all of you......why would anyone breed wolf hybrids.....just plain asking for trouble.

Good news! I checked my email after posting this and 4 of the 5 wolf-hybrids are back in their enclosure. The other one is hanging around but they're trying to figure out how to get her in without letting the others out. Personally, I wish they'd just shoot her. I'm still calling animal control to see if there aren't special regulations for these "dogs" and if they can force her to get rid of them. Thanks again....maybe I can sleep tonight!
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We regulated against these "dogs" a few years back. They can still be kept, I believe , in Northern Ireland, but I think they are planning on closing the loopholes soon.

No wild animal can be kept in captivity without a special license, even bird rescue places need a license!!

No Dangerous Animal and they are named- can be kept without strict control. Most small Zoos have now closed, the regs are so strict.

We still have a Black Panther and a few Cougars loose on various moors and wetlands- that actually do appear in some cases to be breeding. I could really do without knowing that

What is wrong with these people?? Do they not even have a double entry system on the enclosure?? If they did, all they would have to do was leave it open, put down food and wait.

And then impound all the animals as dangerously out of control!!

If they do not this will happen agian

So...ring animal control and put a rocket up them anyway.

And write, so they cannot ignore you.

Good Luck
My neighbor just a few houses down the road had one a few years ago. I found our that he ended up passing away from old age. They had a very high stockade fence up for him and altho he never got loose, one always wondered what would happen if he did. He was beautiful and HUGE...I'd see him walking the front fenceline that was cyclone with his owner some evenings and had to marvel at what a beautiful creature he was...looked just like a light grey wolf...but much much bigger!
In talking to him awhile back he did mention that now they passed a law in our township where you cannot have them anymore as pets.

I understand your concern. I hope something can be done in your area and that your little ones are safe.

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