On March 19, Dream foaled a dainty little bay filly, sired by my Renegade. She has Dream's big eye again, and plenty of leg. She was a whopping 19.75" tall.
Here she is at a couple of weeks old...
Many of you know the saga of my 'fluffy mare' that I purchased as a broodmare, hopefully bred, that had the horribly low thyroid level, was not pregnant, but very obese. After an ugly ordeal with the seller last spring, in which she was to be repurchased, but wasn't, here she sat. I had bred her to my leopard stallion (in the avatar) a couple of times, but when her thyroid test came back so terrible, and the vet advised even with meds she would not guarantee the mare would carry a foal- (I had even tried to sell her but no one wanted her with the problems) I gave up.
I didnt put her on medication until late October, then in November also put her on cinnamon for her weight, as she was so obese I really thought she would die or founder. I had posted a couple of times on her progress with the cinnamon and how well it was working on her weight issue.
In January, I noticed that she looked a little 'dumpy' and her weight over her back, shoulders etc... was staying ok, but her belly looked a bit like one with poor nutrition or wormy pot got. Not bad, but she just didnt look right. I was concerned about her feed perhaps not agreeing with her, so kept an eye on her, and again seperated her at both a.m. and p.m. feedings to monitor really how much she was getting. Her hair coat looked awful.
On Saturday, March 21, I brought her in from the lot, and planned on making a call to the vet that week to come out and take a look and see what was going on or recommend something different for feed, and have her blood levels checked again.
Well, the vet never made the visit. On Sunday a.m. she had dropped about 20 pounds! I was shocked at her condition and can't print here what word came out of my mouth when I saw her that morning.
Here is the weight she dropped!
It's hard to see in the pic (more on the website) but SHE is a 21" FEW SPOT filly- her entire undercoat under the brown is white, so her baby fuzz will fall out and remove most of the brown.
The mare's bag was so tight and small, and she had no nipples to speak of, the foal had nothing to nurse from, so I milked the mare out and bottle fed her a couple of meals and thank heavens that helped the shape of her nipples and by holding the bottle up under the mare's back legs, the filly was able to get the hang of it and finally was able to nurse on her own by that evening!
By the way, here was Vixen late last August before any meds or cinnamon, then in December after a few weeks on the thyroid and cinnamon, and then this morning (sorry, not a great pic, taken with the phone and she still has a lot of hair on her belly to shed)
Here she is at a couple of weeks old...

Many of you know the saga of my 'fluffy mare' that I purchased as a broodmare, hopefully bred, that had the horribly low thyroid level, was not pregnant, but very obese. After an ugly ordeal with the seller last spring, in which she was to be repurchased, but wasn't, here she sat. I had bred her to my leopard stallion (in the avatar) a couple of times, but when her thyroid test came back so terrible, and the vet advised even with meds she would not guarantee the mare would carry a foal- (I had even tried to sell her but no one wanted her with the problems) I gave up.
I didnt put her on medication until late October, then in November also put her on cinnamon for her weight, as she was so obese I really thought she would die or founder. I had posted a couple of times on her progress with the cinnamon and how well it was working on her weight issue.
In January, I noticed that she looked a little 'dumpy' and her weight over her back, shoulders etc... was staying ok, but her belly looked a bit like one with poor nutrition or wormy pot got. Not bad, but she just didnt look right. I was concerned about her feed perhaps not agreeing with her, so kept an eye on her, and again seperated her at both a.m. and p.m. feedings to monitor really how much she was getting. Her hair coat looked awful.
On Saturday, March 21, I brought her in from the lot, and planned on making a call to the vet that week to come out and take a look and see what was going on or recommend something different for feed, and have her blood levels checked again.
Well, the vet never made the visit. On Sunday a.m. she had dropped about 20 pounds! I was shocked at her condition and can't print here what word came out of my mouth when I saw her that morning.
Here is the weight she dropped!

It's hard to see in the pic (more on the website) but SHE is a 21" FEW SPOT filly- her entire undercoat under the brown is white, so her baby fuzz will fall out and remove most of the brown.
The mare's bag was so tight and small, and she had no nipples to speak of, the foal had nothing to nurse from, so I milked the mare out and bottle fed her a couple of meals and thank heavens that helped the shape of her nipples and by holding the bottle up under the mare's back legs, the filly was able to get the hang of it and finally was able to nurse on her own by that evening!
By the way, here was Vixen late last August before any meds or cinnamon, then in December after a few weeks on the thyroid and cinnamon, and then this morning (sorry, not a great pic, taken with the phone and she still has a lot of hair on her belly to shed)