Not too many, by the looks of the class sizes...
800 to 1000 is a great show! I do agree that the futurity is gotten to expensive for the average breeder to participate. They need to address that.
I also see that they are running 2 TWO 2 rings! That is exactly what I suggested for AMHR and was completely and totally shot down!!
I think IMO also they are going to have to do that atleast for the open. I don't see it much of a problem say have open halter classes going on in one arena and the hunter/jumper and obstacle going on in the other. I think doing that will save alot of time.800 to 1000 is a great show! I do agree that the futurity is gotten to expensive for the average breeder to participate. They need to address that.
I also see that they are running 2 TWO 2 rings! That is exactly what I suggested for AMHR and was completely and totally shot down!!
I have suggested the same thing only to be told by people here how impossible it was to manage and how difficult it would be for them etc. Well, I have groomed at shows for different breeds that ran two rings and all it required was a careful schedule and the odd gate hold.... and that eliminated classes that went until 1 or 2 a.m. - which is tiring for the exhibitors and horses as well as the show staff... and completely unnecessary.I also see that they are running 2 TWO 2 rings! That is exactly what I suggested for AMHR and was completely and totally shot down!!
It wouldn't be that hard. Hold the Futurity Classes at the same time of the driving Obstacle, Jumper, Hunter, etc. You've already got different judges, so that wouldn't be a problem. Since most of the Futurity horses are younglings, you won't interfer with them since they can't go in H/J or driving obstacle. I don't know how many people/handlers would need to cross enter, though. Many Futurity horses are professionally handled, and I haven't seen too many of them (pros) in those classes...
843 horses and just over 2400 entries!I think IMO its better done during the open session. Cause you have your halter judges judging and then the other arena you have your performance judges. I think this should be stictly for hunter/jumper and you obstacles. I don't think atleast at this time you should do more then that. I think it would be too hard to do it in the youth and amateur cause you are using the same judges. Maybe you can swing it during the futurities but that was just my thought.
Sorry this thread wasn't meant to be taking away from the World show.