Worried about my new mini...

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Jul 28, 2009
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I have had my mini for a week and she has been doing really well. This morning when I cleaned out her stall, I noticed that there weren't as many piles of manure as usual. I turned her out all day, came home from work and fed her around 6, bringing her back in her stall. She has been in her stall since and I am not sure if she has pooped since then. There are a few shreds so she might of and then walked through it but I am not sure. She has been eating perfectly normally, acting normal, has normal gut sounds, no labored breathing, rolling, I saw her bite her side once but she also bit at her back leg and she didn't keep doing it. She is not showing any other colic signs, just not pooping like she usually does, which concerns me. When I got her she looked a little pot bellied so I used safeguard (the previous owner did worm her with ivermectin at the end of june but I wanted to be safe) and then a few days following started her on Strongid daily dewormer (she started it on saturday). I walked her around for about 15 minutes around 9 but had to put her in b/c it started storming. Should I be calling the vet now, or wait till the morning. I don't want to over react but I don't want to ignore it until it gets worse...
i hope she is doing better. have you taken her temp?? see if she is elevated. also when my sisiter's horse impacted he would try to nip at her if she touched his belly at all. i would keep an eye on her throughout the night. my mini mare did this for a couple of days and then she was back to normal. i got up every couple hours to check her, she had no sweating, slightly elevated temp and not interested in her feed. vet told me it was my call whether to bring her in. hope this helps some and good luck keep us posted.
Hoping that your mini is fine now! Let us know
Phew! CiCi was much better this morning. She had about four manure piles in her stall, which made me feel much better. I turned her out and she was being her normal frisky self. I put a little tractgard in her feed last night and I will probably keep doing so. I hate to sound dumb, but how much do your minis drink on average everyday? I think she is drinking about 1 to 1 1/2 gallons a day. Is that enough? Its hard to measure b/c she spills a lot in her stall when she kicks the bucket around. Silly mini!
That sounds like plenty of water since she gets some water from digesting her foods. That's about what mine drink when they are not working hard or very hot.
Oh I'm so glad that your mini is back to her normal self
it's so worrying when you know they're not feeling or acting right.
It has been my experience that these guys are born to colic. At the slightest hint that they might be colicing they get warm water, oil, banamine, peptobismol, milk of magnesia, simethicone drops,enema and a trailer ride. I find a long trailer ride is much more effective than walking and I have what I call the poop loop, which is circular drive to the next town and back.

The sooner you start treatment the better and it isn't going to hurt them if they aren't colicing.

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