would like some opinions/help

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Which stud would go best with my mare?

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I believe you should put up the pictures with their info you have,

I believe you might get better replies of what you are asking for.

are you sure thats allowed?

also forgot to say...my vet lives within 30mins of my house and is knowledable about minis and foaling. i kinda lucked out there lol
I believe you should put up the pictures with their info you have,

I believe you might get better replies of what you are asking for.
Actually, if she does not own the stallions she cannot post pics of them here unless of course, she has the owners permission to do so.
I believe you should put up the pictures with their info you have,

I believe you might get better replies of what you are asking for.
I believe, unless she personally owns those stallions, this is not allowed... reading her response, those are NOT her stallions.
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Charles Family- I think Misty has done fairly well as shows, we have at least two rated shows in the area and she usually finishes around 3rd to 5th, she got a first once....BUT i dont really 'dress' her up like a national horse would be with all the make up. i just brush her and take her in because these shows are just fun for me and her
as for registered i plan on hardshipping her into AMHR as well this year. i dont know if i ever mentioned this before but i have received many offers for her from random people at the fairs so i do feel her offspring, combined with the right stallion, would be marketable if i had to sell it.

Then it sounds to me like you are on the right track! I did look at the links and I do like those stallions. Since I don't breed, I'm not going to give my opinion because there are far more experienced people on here that know more about which lines cross better with which, etc. I want to commend you again for gelding your stallion and looking at proven stallions to improve your herd!
I do think that is a huge step in the right direction towards where it appears you want to be! I wish you all the luck on this endeavor!

The point here IS...MRM asked specifically which stallion may be the best choice in other breeder's opinions. That was it...she did NOT ask IF she should breed her mare or how about possibly the quality of her stock nor if minis are being over bred. I feel she often gets a bad rap here because she is younger than many here, and has been poked and prodded in the past until she flies off the handle. She took a long break because of that, and has gathered her courage to come back here again, trying to just be a part of these family oriented forums, NOT to get preached to for every single topic/question that she posts. Maybe from now on you guys can try replying to her as though she were a mature longstanding, well known and liked person on this forum before replying. Reply to her as you would to them! If she comes on and asks IF she should breed a horse, or what your opinion is on the conformation of a horse of hers, fine, then give a totally honest response because she is then asking for it. That is NOT what she is asking here
Totally agree Mona! I havent seen the pictures so havent voted.

I know sometimes its hard to just answer a question and leave it at that, but we dont want new people scared off and afraid to ask questions. All of us were "new" one time!

I went back and voted for #3
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To say one is looking at the full picture and so commenting outside the actual question asked...

So it's okay when someone asks "how do I teach my horse to stand posed for showing" to have someone reply with "are you sure you want to teach your horse to stand posed for showing when he isn't good enough quality to do anything in the showring anyway?" ???

Or someone posts and says see my pretty new horse and someone replies "why don't you fix that ugly fence in the background" ???

We've been down that road before on this forum, and I will suggest that those kind of responses are what drives people away from this board.
I absolutely agree with Mona.

I think #3 is the best choice
The point here IS...MRM asked specifically which stallion may be the best choice in other breeder's opinions. That was it...she did NOT ask IF she should breed her mare or how about possibly the quality of her stock nor if minis are being over bred. I feel she often gets a bad rap here because she is younger than many here, and has been poked and prodded in the past until she flies off the handle. She took a long break because of that, and has gathered her courage to come back here again, trying to just be a part of these family oriented forums, NOT to get preached to for every single topic/question that she posts. Maybe from now on you guys can try replying to her as though she were a mature longstanding, well known and liked person on this forum before replying. Reply to her as you would to them! If she comes on and asks IF she should breed a horse, or what your opinion is on the conformation of a horse of hers, fine, then give a totally honest response because she is then asking for it. That is NOT what she is asking here.
I agree Mona.

If all you want is to decide which stallion (if your mare is approved) you should breed too, You need to look at your mare and see what you would "fix". Literally pick her apart while she is standing in front of you. Could she use a little better neck? Could she come up better in front? Is her chest nice and wide? Is the angle of her shoulder what you want it to be? Is her top line perfect or could it be a little better? Are her legs straight - is she a little too narrow or a little too wide in back? Are her eyes nice and big and pretty? Pretty Headed or plain? This is where you need to start to choose a stallion. You can tell some by the other offspring of a stallion, but remember he is only half. The mares he was bred to could have been the perfect compliment to HIS faults.

Once you've carefully listed where you want to get improvements, then look at the stallions and see which would compliment your mare. If she has a plain head, one with a prettier head gets more points, but not if they both are narrow in the chest. Do you see what I mean? You need to see what each stallion can improve on, because 2 of the same faults usually turns out to maximize the fault, which may overcome any other pluses.

Everybody has to start somewhere. If you want to breed your mare, it's your choice. Good luck!
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After looking at the pictures,I voted for 3. I actually have a Times two son and although I have got some very nice foals from him most, not all are not as refined as I would like for a mare's first foal. I really like number three. He is very refined and has a great neck. Your mare doesn't look to be very big so If You are really set on breeding then that would be my choice. You said you were dissapointed with the foal you bought ,that should not put you off purchasing another foal. Try to pick out the foal yourself and don't rely on pictures. When you actually go to a farm and see the foal then you can look at siblings and parents and that will give you a better idea of what you will end up with down the road.
Reply to her as you would to them! If she comes on and asks IF she should breed a horse, or what your opinion is on the conformation of a horse of hers, fine, then give a totally honest response because she is then asking for it. That is NOT what she is asking here
Perhaps not exactly - but that is the nature of such threads - ANY threads on ANY forum. They wander a bit around the actual topic. I did not see anyone picking or poking at MRM - just sharing their experiences the same way they would for ANYONE starting such a thread. Rainbows and sparkles and glitter and smiley faces are fine but that would not be giving the OP an objective answer or helping them in any way,.. and when we know MRM from past threads, it is only natura that we reply to her as best we can with her situation in mind.

I could nod and smile and say foaling is the best thing EVER and the babies are OMG so soft and fluffy and frisky and so very cute and nothing ever goes wrong or ever costs any money - and I would be lying and sugarcoating everything.

Make A Wish- I have gone through the whole buying a foal from a breeder and will never do that again!! the foal came here extremely underweight, filled with worms that took almost a full year of care to get rid of, had long feet that ended up deforming her legs, was covered in some sort of skin condition and she also wasnt weaned at 9months old and was very traumatised by suddenly being pulled from her mom. she screamed for days and we couldnt even let her out for 3-4 days or she would bolt through the fence and run down the driveway screaming. it was 2yrs ago and very difficult to deal with, 'specially because we paid over $1,000 for this filly! it was the worst thing i ever did and i would just rather breed one myself if that was possible.

MRM - breeding one yourself is often far more expensive than buying one - and one iffy experience should not keep you from buying from a reputable breeder if everything was as you have represented it to be. You picked her out at some point - did she change in between when you chose her and when she arrived? Is her breeder on this forum? If so - that may not have been an appropriate comment.

ETA: I just realized from Make A Wish's post that you may not have seen her in person...

Many horses in a new environment will carry on and scream for a while - newly weaned or not. Dealing with settling in a new horse is far less difficult and stressful than foaling out a mare. Also, if you are buying one you can pick exactly the sex, conformation and colour you want... instead of winding up with something that may truthfully not be what you had in mind. Breeding your mare is your choice - and that is fine - but you need to do it for the right reasons and after considering every angle.

There has been good advice here.... please do not just ignore it. But I am not sure that we should be commenting on any of the stallions now that you have announced their names...
should we?

As Ruffian said - you need to pick your mare apart and see which stallion will improve on her the best! And asking for input amd suggestions is always a good idea.
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In my own personal opinion, looking at the pictures of your mare and the 3 stallions, (and big Thanks to the owner of those stallions to let you list them on here !!), I would breed her to number 3. They are all nice stallions, but #3 looks to probably cross with your mare the best.

Which one does the stallion owner suggest?

And you are going in the right direction,
Waiting until the mare is more mature, researching stallions, seeking others opinions. I wish more people were like you and understood what they were getting into. You are doing it right.


edited to add: Don't tell us which one the stallion owner suggests. It's really none of our business
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Perhaps not exactly - but that is the nature of such threads - ANY threads on ANY forum. They wander a bit around the actual topic. I did not see anyone picking or poking at MRM - just sharing their experiences the same way they would for ANYONE starting such a thread. Rainbows and sparkles and glitter and smiley faces are fine but that would not be giving the OP an objective answer or helping them in any way,.. and when we know MRM from past threads, it is only natura that we reply to her as best we can with her situation in mind.

I could nod and smile and say foaling is the best thing EVER and the babies are OMG so soft and fluffy and frisky and so very cute and nothing ever goes wrong or ever costs any money - and I would be lying and sugarcoating everything.

MRM - breeding one yourself is often far more expensive than buying one - and one iffy experience should not keep you from buying from a reputable breeder if everything was as you have represented it to be. You picked her out at some point - did she change in between when you chose her and when she arrived? Is her breeder on this forum? If so - that may not have been an appropriate comment.

ETA: I just realized from Make A Wish's post that you may not have seen her in person...

Many horses in a new environment will carry on and scream for a while - newly weaned or not. Dealing with settling in a new horse is far less difficult and stressful than foaling out a mare. Also, if you are buying one you can pick exactly the sex, conformation and colour you want... instead of winding up with something that may truthfully not be what you had in mind. Breeding your mare is your choice - and that is fine - but you need to do it for the right reasons and after considering every angle.

There has been good advice here.... please do not just ignore it. But I am not sure that we should be commenting on any of the stallions now that you have announced their names...
should we?

As Ruffian said - you need to pick your mare apart and see which stallion will improve on her the best! And asking for input amd suggestions is always a good idea.
i know that foaling isnt all rainbows and sunshine as i have already stated. i also know that foaling costs money and things can go wrong. as for the 'past threads' that was quite a while ago and i have obviously changed since i'm not blowing up at you, which is honestly what i feel like doing but will attempt to refrain from doing so. it was also not just one iffy experiance, it was actually two from different breeders. both arrived skinny, ribs with hip bones protruding quite a bit, one arrived with a horrid smelling thick coat and one arrived with no hair at all and patches of rain rot! i dont know if the breeders on on this forum but i have not mentioned their names, farms or even what color/size the horses were so i highly doubt, if they are even on this forum, that they will know i'm talking about them. the whole point of this thread is to tell me which stallion each person would think would go best with my mare, not to critique or tear apart the stallions or me decision to breed my mare. i also took notice of the advice and, although it is good advice, i didnt ask for it.

i honestly am quite annoyed. i made this thread to ask which stud would best compliment my mare and instead am given a bunch of questions by everyone! if i asked to be told about whether i should breed her or not then i would be taking these questions, no problem, but i didnt! i thought this would be a fun thread, instead its become yet another thread where everyone can poke and prod until i snap!

thank you to everyone who has not bombarded me with questions. i appreciate it greatly
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In my own personal opinion, looking at the pictures of your mare and the 3 stallions, (and big Thanks to the owner of those stallions to let you list them on here !!), I would breed her to number 3. They are all nice stallions, but #3 looks to probably cross with your mare the best.

Which one does the stallion owner suggest?

And you are going in the right direction,
Waiting until the mare is more mature, researching stallions, seeking others opinions. I wish more people were like you and understood what they were getting into. You are doing it right.


edited to add: Don't tell us which one the stallion owner suggests. It's really none of our business

thank you very much
i think i will go with #3.
I don't like to judge a horse of a picture, but all the stallions are nice from the photos.

I would suggest talking to the stallion owner(s), and getting their idea based on what they know the stallion in question has sired and what to likely expect from the cross with your mare (her conformation, pedigree, etc.).

Also be brutally honest about your mare's flaws/faults and what YOU want to improve on her.
i thought this would be a fun thread, instead its become yet another thread where everyone can poke and prod until i snap!
All I have seen here is people giving you their advice and suggestions - based on information you have provided. The same thing that goes on in many other threads. There has been very good advice - and I am sorry if you think it is all just poking and prodding "until you snap". You can make it a fun thread, or you can chose to snap - that is entirely up to you. You can take advice or take offense as you wish. You seemed to take offense at my post and yet I meant everything sincerely and was only trying to help and offer my concerns and suggestions - the same as I would do for others. The same way that many of us do in many different threads. If that only annoys you or makes you want to "blow up" or "snap" - well, we were just sincerely trying to help.
I like stallion 3 but I cant find the pic of your mre to see if they make a good match
All I have seen here is people giving you their advice and suggestions - based on information you have provided. The same thing that goes on in many other threads. There has been very good advice - and I am sorry if you think it is all just poking and prodding "until you snap". You can make it a fun thread, or you can chose to snap - that is entirely up to you. You can take advice or take offense as you wish. You seemed to take offense at my post and yet I meant everything sincerely and was only trying to help and offer my concerns and suggestions - the same as I would do for others. The same way that many of us do in many different threads. If that only annoys you or makes you want to "blow up" or "snap" - well, we were just sincerely trying to help.

but thats the thing....i never actually ASKED for advice because last time it turned out horrible and i learned my lesson. i never ASKED to be drilled about breeding, finances, what could go wrong, etc because i already know all this but all people ever want to seem to do on here is drill me! i dont get how giving me the third degree is 'making it a fun thread' as you say. thats like someone asking what people think about the color of their horse and instead have people tear the horse apart conformationaly and make the horse owner feel like crap when they only wanted to know what other people thought about the horse's color. this always happened to me in the past and it turned out nasty, with me getting migranes and stomache pains from the large amount of stress i got from people jumping on me in my threads. it was the reason i was forced to take a break from here. if this keeps happening i may have to find another forum

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