Again.....what is going on with a forehead thing? Bulge or not has NOTHING to do with a dish. A dish is located further down.Everyone's horses on here are great examples of what I am talking about...though I am now VERY confused in regards to the difference between a "bulge" and a "dish" aren't the two, the same?
Dish to me is any slight bump, anything other than a flat across forehead between or slightly above the eyes.
?? Here I thought I just put my foot in my mouth but now i'm confused LOL!
OK.....Steffanie, trying to help you out here. Where is the bulge here???? Notice the FLAT forehead. Not saying that some Arabians do not have a jibbah.......that bulge you are talking about........but the DISH IS NOT THE's lower. Arabs can have their dish in different places, some higher and some lower.......but a dish is never in the forehead.

Or this? Even though the forelock is covering the forehead......this horses forehead is flat.

Of course these are Arabs..........and I know you would like Miniature horse examples but this picture shows clearly a "dished face" without a jibbah.
And a dish also has nothing to do with the jowl.
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