Lisa-Ruff N Tuff Minis
well to me and this is just me.. a cartoon drawing (although a nice one) showing simply a horse with correct conformation doesnt exactly equal a standard of perfection but that is just me
That foal (filly) in that pic was five days old so I consider that newborn.That arab foal was not a new born. I would expect my minis by that age to not have a domed head either. See my avatar. I think my foal has a nicely dished head. But, it was domed at birth. So were all of the arab foals I delivered.
This picture she was 1 1/2 days old
Shah Jehan definately did NOT have a tiny "teacup" muzzle, at least never in any of the photos I have seen of him. I owned a son of his, and even though he was very pretty headed, he also did not have a "teacup" muzzle.Except Shah Jahan
MiniHoofBeats, I hope you don't take any offense, but that little appaloosa mare's (the second photo) head is not shaped like an Arabian, and it gives me reason to wonder if she has an underbite...that type of head is a sign of dwarfism. The dish is part of a malformation, and combined with the large dome and high-placed nostrils is worrisome.
I know you don't think I'm right, but if you look at her head shape, it is "U" shaped (when viewed from the side and three-quarters view), and has a bend upward. It makes her look like she's sticking her chin out, and usually these types have underbites. If not, I am wrong, but overall, the head says dwarf, not dish as in the type that would be associated with an Arabian. Then again, I'm not a person to say that my horses look at all like Arabians, I just try to strive for horse-like proportion and pleasant features.
Are you saying that you are breeding for weiner-dog like horses? I am curious which trait it is that you are breeding for that it is ok to produce more dwarf horses? THAT is what I'm trying to say is likely with your mare's conformation.What breaks my heart most is that EVERYONE missed the point of this thread and took it over as their own. I am tired of greedy, spotlight hungry members...sorry there it is, there's the truth. There are those among us who specifically specialize on certain traits, and we need to understand that because miniatures are evolving, ever changing, it has to be accepted that just because certain features are bred for DOES NOT MEAN it is any longer a characteristic. Look at weiner dogs, (dachsunds) sure they can be called midget or dwarf but...the point is, their short legs are bred to be short...and they aren't criticized or chastised for that. Who's to say just because one person really wants to breed for small, tippy ears, that "oh that's a dwarf characteristic, you're breeding dwarfs. Even though the rest of the horse looks great those small ears make it a dwarf!" Insane how some things aren't accepted...
No...This isn't about one picture of your mares heads and differing opinions on if they're pretty or not. There are more pictures and even video on your website. I have looked at it all as well as the information on their lineage that is provided. In my opinion, neither of your mares has good, basic conformation. There are other obvious signs of dwarfism. I have nothing to gain by posting my honest opinion. You will remember that YOU started in this thread as it related to your mares and your vets opinion on dwarfism.