Would you please vote for Michael as Teen Angel?

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Got my vote !! Visiting this site makes me want to pick up the phone and call all my nieces and nephews...just to say hi !! What a beautiful site to memorialize these young children.
You have my vote or maybe two or three not sure but anyway wherever Michael ends up he is our #1 angel anyway. He makes all of us more grateful everyday.
Done. He is number 3 now. I'll vote again from home.
He got my vote, too. Looks like he went back to 4th place. I'll vote from work, too. I couldn't even read the site...so sad. I've read Michael's site and it had me in tears from the start, even though it is a beautiful tribute. No one should have to lose a child.
Michael got my vote! That is the saddest site ever! All of those children. WAH!!!
I voted last night. Guess I can vote again today?

He got my vote, too. Looks like he went back to 4th place. I'll vote from work, too. I couldn't even read the site...so sad. I've read Michael's site and it had me in tears from the start, even though it is a beautiful tribute. No one should have to lose a child.
Yes, Michael's site is a beautiful site and loving tribute. I read it months ago when I joined this forum, and cried uncontrollably for the whole time. I agree, no one should have to lose a child.
Our niece lost her two daughters (all the children she had) in a house fire nearly a month ago. These things are so unfair, and make you wonder "why"
got my vote too! no matter what the end result, Michael is #1 on Lil Beginnings!

and Marty you listen to your friends here - you may not feel like it but you ARE our hero!

what you said about screaming and yelling at him to get back home really struck a chord... i did it too.

I voted for Michael... and his webpage makes me cry everytime I see it...


Silversong Farm

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