Well-Known Member
Okay, I am going into Paypal right now to donate another $20!! This is such a great cause, I just can't help but help out again!

I am happy to report that Tina is feeling better...She is not 100% but she is up, her head is back up and she is walking with the mares today!!!!!We had a situation today where I got a call from Theresa who with Art is fostering Tina. She said Tina was off feed and laying down looking at her sides.She called and we had the vet out on a Sunday and he tubed her. The vet feels it is a gas colic. If it wasn't for you all we would not have been able to have her treated especially not on a weekend. Our total as of today is [SIZE=14pt]$2730.00[/SIZE][/b]
Thank you thank you thank you
While Shannon is up to her eyeballs in paperwork, and Gini is counting the donations, I have been an ADOPTION MANIAC!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS PART! I HAVE THE BEST JOB EVER!~ And here is your good news:
This is an update for you all on our holiday adoption promotion.
Diamond is not enroute to her new forever home in Oklahoma right now. Connie is so heartbroken and will miss her so bad, but it was her call, as she couldn't take any more fridgid Michigan winters so Diamond is heading for a warmer climate to live out her remaining days with a super attentive and loving family
Pal will be going to forum member Basketmiss Missy in MO
Snip got adopted SATURDAY!!!!!!! He gets to stay in Texas with his new mommy and little girl
Jasmine and Soldier AKA Teddy will be going to one of TV's very own ANIMAL COPS IN NEW YORK!!!
What an honor it was for me to work with such a hero!
Sparky is going to live the life of a king in Georgia
I have an adoption pending on Little Dun and looks like she will be going to Texas
[SIZE=14pt]YEAH!!!!!!! Thanks you all so much. I'm sendiong out my $50 tomorrow as I thought I had stamps and dind't have any. It's for my Fire and ICe painted POny and an extra $17 form the 3 dogs and the 2 kittens. DO we have a total or are we waiting until after Turkey day?[/SIZE]