All I can say is "I see spots, LOTS of spots". At 9am may 24th Stouts Little Firewater and Brewers Orion Slate, an Orion son, produced the most beautiful, loud, tricolored leopard colt with 2 blue eyes! Both parents are in their 20s. If u ever considered buying an older horse and wondered if it was worth it, I bought both these horses in their late teens and look what I am getting! This colt has black points and some black spots and light spots but the light ones have dark bay hair under the surface so Im thinking he is a bay leopard. Whatever he is, this is another keeper. We have been blessed with 2 lovely loud Slate sons this year and we are very thankful. Here he is, no name yet but we need something special. He is still unfolding but coming along nicely and what a head and neck. Thanks for looking, Jennifer
He was just a few minutes old here
And here he meets our fabulous, extremely beautiful 1 week old appy colt from Lady and Flash. I just LOVE this colt too!! Im in appy heaven, LOL.

He was just a few minutes old here

And here he meets our fabulous, extremely beautiful 1 week old appy colt from Lady and Flash. I just LOVE this colt too!! Im in appy heaven, LOL.