X-Men Origins: Wolverine

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I went and saw it today. Loved it! I didn't know their was something at the end darn I guess I'll just have to go see it agian
Finally went and saw it last night!!!!!
:ThumbUp It was awesome....definitely want to see it again

Anyone know what other Origins movies they are thinking of doing??

Hmmm. No, I don't know. I have heard they are doing a sequel to this one, though (running with a good thing, I guess
Keith (husband of susanne here on the forum) and I went and saw it last night at the old Columbian Theater in St. Helens.

Not knowing anything about X-men, it was my first exposure to the series. We both thought it was good, but not great. Action-wise and visually it was top notch, especially liked the Canadian scenery. But I just didn't "bond" with the characters and it kind of felt like a video game. Didn't quite have that level of immersion where you lose track of space and time and forget you are at the movies. Didn't have the experience where I felt affected after the movie was over.

I guess I didn't like that the "good guys" didn't always win. I was hoping Wolverine would adopt the elderly farming couple as family and there would be a slightly longer
relationship there. Kind of like Superman's family. I suppose they have to be true to the comic.

I suppose it was a little darker than I prefer.

Still, worth seeing on the big screen. Next, Star Trek for sure!

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I saw Star Trek on Friday (I always have to see the blockbusters the first day they come out
). It was great, too. Chris Pine, the actor that plays Captain Kirk, does an awesome job. It's also quite funny. Not GREAT, but a really good film and worth seeing on the big screen nonetheless.
We finally got to go out to the movies and hubby wanted to see Star Trek....really enjoyed it even with a few realllllly cheesey "coincidences" that got on my nerves. I hadn't realized that one of my fave actors, Karl Urban, was cast as Dr. McCoy. Umm....Bones had blue eyes....not sure why, but that reallly bugged me. Anyway, stillll waiting to see Wolverine, dangit...

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