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Tigeress, I am not sure what they have all checked me for, but I am sure my BP is(or at least was) ok about a year ago, as they sent a monitor home with me to check as it was always quite HIGH whenever I was at the doctor's or at work when I checked it in the health area. After recording the numbers for a week or more, they said it was OK. I do have low thyroid, and am on meds for that.

HGFarm, yes, I DEFINATELY DO have SEVERE Sleep Apnea. I was just diagnosed with that the beginning of August, but the soonest I can get in for the mask sleep study is December 18, unless there is a cancellation, they will call me in sooner. I was thinking mayeb just feeling so run down with that may be attributing to the woozy spells I get suring the day. Seems I feel OK when I am keeping busy/active, but if I stop and sit awhile that is when it seems to get to me the worst. But it's not just the tired feeling, it is also a sort of light headedness type feeling.
Oh boy ................. I think you are going to find a lot of your problems will go away with the CPAP.

I had acid reflux that medication just would not make go away- horrible dizzy spells, and got so bad I would literally fall asleep typing at my desk at work. I did not have the strength, literally to even hold myself upright in a chair anymore!! I would fall asleep while driving and since it took me 35 minutes on the freeway to get home- I would rarely remember half the trip. I dont know how I made it. Really!

I had many other symptoms as well, unexplained weight gain (I had a couple of other health issues that contributed too), and other stuff going on as well like severe shortness of breath. I could not walk across the road to the neighbors house, made stupid mistakes at work- just could not concentrate or think straight.

The CPAP was a bit hard for me to get used to- I would wake up to find it ripped off and on the floor and would have to put it back on!

Oh, and the horrible dreams and nightmares!!! I fought falling asleep knowing the nightmares would come over and over all night long(lack of oxygen to the brain and body)...... And waking up literally choking also over and over....

Sleep apnea is DEADLY as the more your body is starved for oxygen, the more damage it causes. Eventually the liver and kidneys start to break down, or it will contribute to a heart attack or stroke. I know someone that died as he didnt want to use the CPAP and he had a heart attack at about 44 years old and died.

Since I have lost about 50 pounds since last year, I have not had to use the CPAP since early summer- YEAH!!! Weight gain can cause sleep apnea, and the apnea can cause more weight gain- a vicious circle.

I can't believe they cant get you in earlier than that!!!! That is ridiculous!

Just edited to note, oh yeah, and the blood pressure. It can really affect that too!! Also your digestion and many other things!!
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I can't believe they cant get you in earlier than that!!!! That is ridiculous!
Ha! You think THAT is bad...that is only 4 months! It took them from November last year to August this year, just to get in for the initial sleep evaluation! And the funny thing is, I was going to cancel the appointment, as I thought it was going to be a total waste of time and money(have to travel about 5 hours one way to get there, and then hubby stays at a hotel for the night while I am at the sleep clinic) because I thought my tiredness was due to the low thyroid. My husband said, "No, keep it and go. It took you that long to get in, you might as well go and rule it out." so we did, and man I was SHOCKED to learn not only that I had it, but had a severe case too! I never in a million years would have ever suspected it!

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