This has been a
GREAT week. After the past 2 months dealing with Missy's lack of patience when we're putting to, my coach came up with an amazing offer!
Rather than 1 lesson this week, we did
THREE days in a row. Each day was broken into two parts. Put her to, drive for awhile, finish up and put her back. Go for coffee, come back, put her to again and do different driving.
By day three's 2nd session I pretty much did it all on my own! She was impatient just enough to give me the opportunity to practice a firm, but not mean, correction.
She was much more solid for my whoa/stand requests. Including the rather embarrassing moment when one of the traces popped off.

We had so many firsts this week but the two best were driving her down the road to a little park for the first time and driving cones for the first time!
I'm so proud of my little mare!