^ I think you've got a right peg on him. Sounds like he hopes it'll get him a break in work. That's awesome about the sleigh bells! I can't wait to get some for our guys... Tricks? Any pictures?! Would love to see!
Had a good... but not so good drive today.
The Good:
Coal was FANTASTIC. I have a video that will come later that includes the gritty details of the bad to come, but it was quite a convenient choice for me to wear not only my helmet for the first time driving, but I had my GoPro on. Just to share the drive... Didn't expect much else. I love this guy more and more, he's so consistent <3.
The Bad:
A trailer was already at the parking lot when I arrived. They'd barely begun to tack their horses up so I thought maybe I could get Coal out and ahead of them before they tacked up. Didn't quite happen as Coal decided he was going to be a wiggle worm hooking up. They didn't need to groom their horses so it was pretty much throw tack on and go. I needed to groom, pick, and rebraid his tail so I just admitted to going after they left. This place is pretty nice and wide for driving carts, at least in the miniature variety. It isn't large, I think I did 1.75 miles and that was because I wanted to help with the bad portion of the drive.
I hoped that I wouldn't run up behind these two horses, I try and avoid surprising large horses since Mini's are so "shocking" to larger horses in general. Thankfully that didn't happen for quite sometime and Coal happily plunked along at a walk, trot and occasional canter. About 15 minutes into the drive I see them ahead of me (coming toward me) so I stop Coal once we get in sight of each other. They're friendly and I got out and held Coal. They were worried I did it as Coal was fearful of other horses. I explained I didn't know how their horses would react.
Unfortunately they didn't react well at all.
They tried to pass us, but couldn't get within 10 feet of us. A side path took them back toward the road so they volunteered to go that way. I thanked them and got back in my cart. Patience is a virtue I don't quite have with Coal and one we are working on as he starts to move once my bum gets in the cart. Next thing I see is the rider attempting to control a semi-bolting horse. Saddle slides to the left, off comes the rider and off goes the horse at a full blown gallop with the saddle slipping around under his belly. Shod all the way around galloping down the park road. At this point I'm slack jaw and I can't believe this just happened. The (later to be known) Mom, is trying to control her mare who is feverish once the other took off. I apologized profusely and asked if there was anything I could do (Although I clearly had done enough). So instead of continuing to upset her horse I ask Coal to move on and the plan was to take him back to the trailer and help try and catch their horse. In a sue happy world, all I could think of was them trying to sue me if something happened to their horse. Left a cold stab in my stomach the whole drive back.
About 5 minutes down the trail said horse gallops up behind us. I get out, tie Coal and try and approach the horse. Not sure at this point what I'll do if I catch him... Coal is trustworthy, but I don't like leaving a hitched mini tied and this horse was clearly rattled. He let me get about 15' away before he flagged his tail and took off the other direction. He's clearly banged himself up with a left front hoof red (he's a paint with stockings so makes it pretty clear) I get back in and resume the drive, not much else I can do.
By the time I get to the trailers they have him. So I wait at a distance until they're back at their rigs before I walk to the trailer. They weren't upset and the injuries appeared superficial. Their vet was already coming today, which makes me feel better, but this was the first time I've had such a profound issue with another horse and the minis. It unsettled me. She gave me her number and asked to "Call her." Apparently she wants to meet again to sensitize her horses.
Edit: I unhooked the cart at the trailer and offered them to bring their horses up to inspect both Coal and the cart. The mare was fine after a little investigation, but the paint gelding was only fine as long as he could see the mini. Coal took a step as they walked away and the gelding nearly spun into my truck freaking out over Coal moving
So she brought him back and tried again. Ended on a good note, but still left me feeling lousy and anxious.