I understand, sometimes it just isn't meant to be. The right one will come along.
My first harness, which I still use, was from Big Dee. It is the nicest driving bridle I've ever seen. Don't know if the quality is still as good now. The work was all done in Mexico then; those folks know leather. Thanks for heads up on their sale!Maybe Rowdy's old owner's situation has changed since you got him and she could take him back? That's a hard desicion. Did she say anything to you when you bought him about wanting to know if the time ever came?
Big Dee's is having a good sale and I bought another harness from them. My first one is a Big Dee mini harness and I liked it alot. They are on sale for $99. I thought I'd post about it just in case someone might be looking for an inexpensive starter harness. I'm keeping this one for "best" in case I ever get to show. Or for Cappy if my husband decides to drive him.
I enjoy seeing how you use your ponies. That takes time to do; most of us just head for the power equipment.I hope that you all that are considering forecarts find what you are looking for!
I don't know much about the mini sized forecarts and the folks/companies that build them. My pony friend bought a pony sized one and I got a Hafflinger sized one through Pioneer Manufacturing (I was planning on driving a multitude of sizes of ponies and didn't want to have to get 2). We both got options we probably didn't need and a couple of others we wish we had gotten, but overall, we are both happy with them.
Generally, they are meant to be driven with an attachment - which balances the weight (considered to be weighted wrong to be driven by themselves by most driving experts). I have driven mine mostly without having weight (other than the hitch that we put on it and I don't remove) added. I have driven it by myself with a 3 abreast hitch of shetlands - trail driving with 3 mares and 2 foals. I not only walk them, but also trot, extend trot, canter and gallop them. I wondered if the Roman Charioteers felt the way I did when I galloped the "5" of them across a hay field one time! It was pretty exhilarating and fun!
Overall, with our ponies, they would probably be happier pulling the wagon or a better balanced 4 wheel carriage out on the trail drives. But it has worked for what it has been used for and I've been happy. I prefer to start a young or new, "playful" team to the forecart vs to the wagon. I hope to be using the forecart in the near future again - for what it is meant for, LOL.
My girl friend has tried it in almost all field/farm work type of activities (we haven't come up with a plow yet) - from dragging logs, to pulling the cart with broken cement pieces or dirt in it, pulling various drags for the pasture, pulling a disk, pulling my springtooth harrow.
Cayuse - it sounds like you are talking about an "otter" sled!Paintponylvr, thanks for the info on the forecarts. My hubby would use it alot, I bet. I wish I could find a skid or sled for winter. Right now when the snow gets too high to make it to the manure pile with the wheelbarrow we hitch the pony to a kids sled and have him move the manure. We use tubs that just fit on the sled. I'd love a sturdy sled that would hold 2 tubs! And me
Something like a dog sled with shafts is what I envision.