Your Drive Day

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I've never owned two horses at the same time that were the same size to use as a team, but I think horses work generally better as a team than single. They like being with their herdmate. Besides matching my horse, I'd have to invest in another vehicle. So, mine will have to get used to driving single.
My problem is that a team opens up a whole new world of vehicles for me. Not that I have the money to spend on them but the options for a team are so much larger than the options for a single mini. And there are so many vehicles I want.

Here's a question for you guys active on this thread. In looking for a teammate for Clem I've been talking to a friend. He's got a mare about her size. However, he doesn't want to separate her and the stud she's lived with for 7 years (no babies but not for lack of trying). He offered to have him gelded. Neither horse has been out of the paddock in over 2 years. The stud has been hitched a handful of times but never trained. Just hitched and muscled around a bit. The mare has been hitched once. Neither have been hitched in the last 5 years. They are AMHR registered but that is neither here nor there to me as I won't be breeding or showing. Just driving for myself or in small local open shows. They are both over 10 years old, under 15 years old. They asked me what I thought they were worth because they weren't "up to date" on miniatures right now. I have no idea what to tell them. Physically they are well cared for but they haven't been interacted with for years. Thoughts??
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We had a good drive today. Ground drove twice this past week, then back in the cart today. I think I will back off a little on the circles and transitions a little until he gets more miles. Also removed the blinders today and he seemed more comfortable.
I've wondered about removing Clementine's blinders. She is not a reactive horse but she does tend to shy one way while we drive. She wants to turn her head right and drift to the left. What was your reason behind removing the blinders?
I've wondered about removing Clementine's blinders. She is not a reactive horse but she does tend to shy one way while we drive. She wants to turn her head right and drift to the left. What was your reason behind removing the blinders?
i would suspect a chiro issue if she drifts. I had one that was bad about that and he went straight as a die after chiro. Rowdy would not turn left when we started. He was locked up in his left side. After a few days of turning left without pain,after the chiro, he is perfectly fine in the turns now.I do not want to mention brands, but the new bridle I ordered, I cannot get the blinders to stay out from his eyes. Otherwise it is a nice bridle. I attached the headpiece of it to the bottom of my open bridle to retain the side check. It looks fine. His eyes are nicely forward on his face so I have no idea why the blinders fit so closely. I plan to take it to a harness guy and see if he can make the blinder wires longer.
Never thought about getting a chiro out to see her. We did for a riding horse years ago. Hmmm... Thanks, food for thought for sure...

Yes I can see how ill fitting blinders could be a problem. We had a problem with rubbing on one of our full size horses. Drove him batty. Got a new halter, happy horse.

I am chomping at the bit to get out and driving again since our weather has become so nice. Almost all of our snow is melted. I need to trim both minis and my riding horse this week before I can drive though. We'll see how the week goes.
Trimmed feet and groomed today. Also greased bearings in this sulky. I posted before pics earlier in this thread. Thought I'd show it finished and put back together. Still need to add footman loops for breeching since we have hills and more hills here.



major clementine, i use breast collars, i have one regular and one comfyfit. i m saving for another comfyfit now, hope to get it in appril. i took my two single harness' and had a harness maker make the brakes for me, now i can use each single harness either way. i am sooo excited.

i had charlie for about a year when i found rosco, when i brought him home they became instant friends. i think was lucky. i have wanted a team or pair for about 15 or 20 years. first time we just put the harness' on them and took them to the round pen, rosco turned around 2 or 3 times , or tried to, and then they just walked around and did turns and everything so after that i sent them to a trainer.

also i want to say that i didn't have a wagon to hitch them to ad i was in a lot of pain with my knee so they have been driven around single but weren't teamed up until last month. an entire year. they didn't forget a thing. so don't let the fact that they haven't been driven for a while slow you down.
My problem is that a team opens up a whole new world of vehicles for me. Not that I have the money to spend on them but the options for a team are so much larger than the options for a single mini. And there are so many vehicles I want.

Here's a question for you guys active on this thread. In looking for a teammate for Clem I've been talking to a friend. He's got a mare about her size. However, he doesn't want to separate her and the stud she's lived with for 7 years (no babies but not for lack of trying). He offered to have him gelded. Neither horse has been out of the paddock in over 2 years. The stud has been hitched a handful of times but never trained. Just hitched and muscled around a bit. The mare has been hitched once. Neither have been hitched in the last 5 years. They are AMHR registered but that is neither here nor there to me as I won't be breeding or showing. Just driving for myself or in small local open shows. They are both over 10 years old, under 15 years old. They asked me what I thought they were worth because they weren't "up to date" on miniatures right now. I have no idea what to tell them. Physically they are well cared for but they haven't been interacted with for years. Thoughts??
I do think horses work better as a team, since they have their herdmate with them.

I have become more objective in my experience. If you like the horses, buy them. If you only like one of them, don't feel you have to take both. If they have been together so long, it might be difficult to get one to team up with yours if the other is around. I think a pet, 10+ untrained stallion would max at $200. I recently sold a double registered driving gelding for $300. I had him advertised on two venues and only had one call. If only the mare appeals to you as a match for your horse, then just offer for her. An untrained 10+ pet mare, especially one that has not proven to be able to have a foal, shouldn't bring more than $200. If you do purchase one or both, do take the trouble to keep their registration up; I think that will be doing them a favor. That is jmho.

It isn't always easy to find a good match for a team, so if the owner refuses your offer and you really want the match, you may have to go higher. But only buy what you want.

If I were younger, I would like to do a team but I got started too late in life.
The only reason I am considering taking the other is he is the same color and size as my gelding. However, I'm just not sure I want to go from 2 to 4 minis. I'm happy to see that I may not be crazy thinking they aren't worth big $$. I am also worried, like you said, about the new mare not paring up with my mare having lived with this little stallion for the last 6 years. I know my riding horse is pretty bonded to hubby's mare and he will ride out with another horse but he's not happy about it. I'm a bit worried about having the same situation here.

I am going to keep looking for a single mare, maybe one that is at least started in harness. These two above mentioned minis may have to be a fall back plan.... If I could find a mare with some training closer to 6-8 years old I would be willing to pay more for sure. The search is on I suppose...

I think you are correct in keeping up their registration in the event that I do end up with the two. They aren't worth more to me because of the registration but, like you stated, it would likely be best in the long run.
Took Rowdy into town again today as it is way too muddy to drive anywhere around my house--and I wanted to drive somewhere away from his pasture mate. We headed out to the edge of town first. He did pretty well, though his whoa and stand were not very good. We passed mooing cows okay but three peacocks came out and startled him. Then two big horses ran up and down their fence neighing and caused some trouble; I had to use the one-rein stop. Lots of barking dogs, but they were all confined; there is something about a little horse going down the street that really sets them off! I had trouble getting him to make circles so I didn't worry too much about it. We just practiced transitions and getting used to each other. Quite of lot of rather deep water at the street intersections and he went through that pretty well. I am hoping to increase his pressure level.
I love the little sulky cart! It's very different style from my own, but think, if you wanted that you could still attach a dropped singletree. That would even allow for hames & collar harness if you ever had one of those as well.

On the minis for sale - I've seen them in this state purchased for as low as $50 & as high as $1,000 - from our area and advertised on Craig's List OR at the Dixie Draft Horse Sale (March 2015 was when I went last. Missed Thanksgiving and may not get to go next weekend).

I don't/didn't have a problem with purchasing an older mare for a bit more in 2009, but I bought her specifically to match her full sister for driving and her bloodlines for breeding (even the same height/color/sex and SISTERS didn't matter - they didn't match in stride or personality and it took a long time to get them to work together - but they are one of my pairs now). She was also purchased in foal and with papers current, so again, I had no problem with her price (> $300<$500). We did lose that foal and have had problems since in that department, but I have enjoyed my learning with her AND I have never regretted the purchase. I offered her for sale once, was laughed at by "how much" i wanted for an "old" pony, and have never offered her for sale again. She now drives single, pair, 3 & 4 abreast; rides western or english or is quiet for any lead line child to sit on & pet and is great at community events.

Mare above has gotten attached to her sister - but does drive with a different team mate now. I believe, as she loses her eyesight completely, I would be able to "bell" either her sister or her current partner and have no problems with her following either at home to come in to eat/shelter. Also realize, I did most of my own training and I'm not a pro trainer AND was learning to drive a pair at the same time we were training the above mare(s) as pairs. I DID have lessons with a trainer/instructor every week for 10 months - he was the one that said we'd reached a point where he could no longer help me with that pair. I just needed to get out and drive them. He is not a show trainer, but a draft horse trainer and we worked on basic driving skills - single and pair.
Finally got to drive twice last week. I got "permission" to start pushing little Hercules for more collection etc while driving. He is my first mini I am breaking to drive from the beginning so I am pretty proud at where he is for how little time this past month or so I have spent with him. I really want to show him this year but realized that one of the qualifying shows for worlds is a weekend I am going to be in Montana for my husband's sisters graduation... So I will either have to scratch going to AMHA worlds or go to another show that's further away alone.... OR I could go to pinto worlds, which is way less competition and more expensive...

Anyways, here is my first and second drive actually pushing him and asking for collection. I have now realized he is getting a chubby stud neck and am now using a neck sweat on him as collection is proving to be difficult with him with his fat neck haha!! He tries so hard, I absolutely love his mind. He thinks about everything and really tries but at the same time he really makes you work for it. He is SUPER lazy, especially for a Country Pleasure horse. I am hoping with some more time and with him getting more comfortable in the cart he will get a little more spunk (not too much though of course!!).

ok, soo finally the pole setup is done and yesterday my husband came out to help me hook up. they seemed to really be nervous so we took our time and did a lot of petting. i took them out to the pasture and they wanted to trot and i kept them at a walk for a while, didn' like their behavior so i headed back to th barn. out of no where comes my dog , so we ran back to the barn and stuck their heads in a corner. funny, i wasn't afraid. i told mike that we can't end like that , so he backed them out of the corner and we let them stand for a minute. then he closed the gate to the pasture and i drove them in the catch pen. about 40 x 80. we did circles and and figure 8's and around the edge. i kept it short but on the last run around ther perimeter they were very relaxed. what do you think, anyone?
Strangeaddiction - Hercules is looking fantastic!! Can't wait to see you/him in the show ring.

I have not come close yet to that goal and at this point I'm thinking about selling my show cart and basic (Ozark mini tack) leather show harness. I am enjoying following your training and conditioning - as right now, that looks like it's the closest I'm getting to the show ring...
Thank you! I feel like we are slowly getting better, we are going to a pinto show next weekend just to get out and see how we do, we will be competing against very seasoned horses since there are no age groups for pinto mini classes, just size. They also clump everyone into pleasure (no distinctions between classic, country, single) So that should be interesting as most of the pinto mini's are classic pleasure type and my guys is country. I'm very excited!

Patty was out on Saturday and commented that she thought he was looking fabulous! That meant a lot, I've been doing everything on my own trial and error and she trained both his parents!!

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