Your Drive Day

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Got in 15 minutes of ground driving Cappy and hubby just started to drive when a massive thunderstorm came out of nowhere. It was sunny and then all of a sudden we heard thunder and we barely got Cappy unhitched before it poured. It went from sunny to black in maybe a minute. And the sky was ROARING. I have never heard anything like it before. Husband and I looked at each other and said "that almost sounds like a tornado..." It was the eeriest thing. Really scary.

I am glad it left in as big a hurry as it showed up.
We heard a wind like that one time. Later we heard that a tornado had touched down about 8 miles away.

I've been caught out in the rain before. Dapper Dan enjoys it, but getting soaking wet isn't my favorite thing any more.
We had (small) thunderstorms too here at the weekend. But when it turns from sunny to black in that short time, it's very impressive.

Northwolf do the ticks in your area carry lots of nasty disease? Here we have Lyme disease, anaplasmosis and a bunch of other nasties that horse and human can catch from tick bites.
Yes, we have lyme disease and anaplasmosis too around here. And a nasty disease called "tick-borne encephalitis". I'm vaccinated against this disease because it can cause meningitis. A know people who had this kind of infection because we live in a high risk area for encephalitis.

But the worst i've ever experienced with ticks was in Namibia where I worked 10 years ago. We had wild horses with hundreds (!) of tick on them. And not the pretty small ones; some of them reached sizes of up to an inch. We were not able to remove all the ticks of the horses
Took Dapper Dan out for a quick run this evening after the temp dropped below 90. His Stand is coming along well. I use the whip to cue him back into position if he moves. No longer keeping the halter around his neck while hitching. Now, it would be nice if he would Stand unattended while I ran into the house to fetch something. Maybe that will come with time...
Marsha, you need to train DD to run into the house and fetch what you need . I bet he could do it, too!

I am happy to hear he he standing better. Peanut yesterday was pretty good about it considering it had been about a week since I drove him last. I have been working with Cappy on standing still too as I have been showing him in halter. He is starting to figure out what is expected of him in a class. He will stand to be judged, but the judge better be quick about it, lol. He stands pretty good for hitching, but those halter classes are SO exciting! I was just telling a friend that it seems to take about a year for all mine to get the "stand button" installed. I seem to be blessed with squirmers.
I am so excited about this thread. we are all learning and practicing. i really enjoy it. i was asked about camping with the minis, should i put stuff on here or start another?
Maybe start another thread so people who don't come to the driving thread can also enjoy reading about your camping trips? I am looking forward to hearing about them and seeing pictures if you have any.

Marsha, have you been to visit Bubba at all? My spell check keeps changing Bubba to Hubba, lol.
I drove by and saw Bubba, but their gate is shut so I can't just pull into the yard. He has no shelter right now; it was torn up by a big wind last month. They had it secured with posts in concrete; it pulled the concrete out of the ground. Not hard to do when the ground is saturated after a rain. We use mobile home anchors on our shelters. The wind moves them around a little but they don't turn into sails. I think I will give Bubba's folks a call and keep them motivated.

Had to give DD some banamine this morning before our drive. He is really wearing his back toe so I think the arthritis is acting up. Almost time for Adequan injection; I don't like to do it oftener than once a month. But he is doing overall well; we have to keep going in spite of a little pain and so can he. When we don't drive, I try to take him on my 2 mile walks. The exercise is supposed to be good for arthritis and it keeps his weight under control. Plus, since he doesnt' have a herd mate right now it keeps him socialized.
I made a bag for my sulky so I can carry a few tools. I used the pattern for the wheel chair bags I made for the nursing home. I can see some changes I need to make. Just used some cotton fabric I had on hand, something washable. It attaches and closes with velcro. I have a tool box on my cart, but since I've been using the sulky lately with Dapper Dan, I needed something to carry tools or odds and ends.

sulky bag.jpg
That bag is a good idea. I bet if you made one in orange it could double as a "slow moving vehicle" sign.

Do you have a date set for Bubba to arrive?

I ground drove Peanut today and he kept me busy, he was bad about stopping and diving for the grass so I had to keep him at a trot and busy. We trotted figure 8's all over the place until I was pooped out and puffing.

If I use a side check instead of the overcheck, will it keep his head up better? I really hate to shorten the overcheck more. I dread changing out my harness parts just to find out as my fingers fail me, lol. I have Conway buckles on the over check and those things make me .

No driving tomorrow, it is going to be hot and humid.
Orange!! Good idea. I will try to find some and maybe get something reflective to sew on it. Maybe I can order some online; don't have any fabric stores near me.

Do you have a harness/leather guy who can put a buckle on your overcheck? I sent my back strap off to have a buckle put on it instead of the conway. I think overcheck works better for grabbers than side check. I would shorten the overcheck. Once he figures out he can't reach the grass, I bet he gives it up. If you have trouble with your hands, it is probably hard to keep a strong contact on the reins, and he knows it. Some disagree, but I think the overcheck is a good tool for grabbers.

We have a heat dome over our area for the next several days. Even early in the morning it is pretty hot. We may not be able to drive for a while.
Orange!! Good idea. I will try to find some and maybe get something reflective to sew on it. Maybe I can order some online; don't have any fabric stores near me.

Do you have a harness/leather guy who can put a buckle on your overcheck? I sent my back strap off to have a buckle put on it instead of the conway. I think overcheck works better for grabbers than side check. I would shorten the overcheck. Once he figures out he can't reach the grass, I bet he gives it up. If you have trouble with your hands, it is probably hard to keep a strong contact on the reins, and he knows it. Some disagree, but I think the overcheck is a good tool for grabbers.

We have a heat dome over our area for the next several days. Even early in the morning it is pretty hot. We may not be able to drive for a while.
Oh he knows all about my hands! All three of mine are wise to my hands, they can sense when I am having a bad day before I snap on a lead shank. How do they know these things???

I'll shorten up the check and see what happens.

I'd have to send my bridle away to get modified and I don't want to loose the use of it right now. Maybe this winter. I like my bridle, it would be worth changing the buckles on. Good idea.

It is hot here, too. We are going to a show Sunday, I hope the weather cools a bit.
Had a fun night last night. Maybe not so smart considering how little experience little Miss has, but she's been so good that I trust her.

My husband's Gran came to visit last night. She had had a rough day and my MIL and I decided to give her a ride in the cart. It was so fun. She kept giggling and waving at people like she was in a parade. Made my night!

Well, Gran decided that my MIL needed a ride too, as she'd never been in the cart. So I gave her a ride too.

The neighbors pulled in just as I brought my MIL back, and asked if they could have a ride sometime. I said, why not tonight!? So I took their two boys for a cart ride too. I let the oldest boy drive a little too, at a very slow walk. He was on cloud nine!

Now... I don't really want this to be a regular thing, but it certainly was a nice change up.
That's why we enjoy our little horses so much , kljcowgirl. Hope you logged that driving time.

We had a shower last night. Lightning struck the field across from our house and there was a good size blaze going. Local FD came out and then the shower came through so the fire was put out. Luckily the wind was away from our property. So, roads were muddy today. Yuck. Sulky tires bogged down and mud splashed all over us. Brought out those pesky little flies, too. Dapper Dan wore his fly bonnet today on the drive.

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