Thanks Cayuse and Marsha. I hope the castration will be without complications. I'll bring him tomorrow to the clinic and the vets will make an analysis of his health before they start the operation. They will put him to a general anesthesia and he will stay 2-3 days. He does not have cryptorchidism and is developed normally, but he's already 8 years old, so the operation is potentially risky. I hope the cold temperatures will not affect negative, we have a minimum of 5 degrees and max is 23, but from thursday on, it will be warmer.
Finally, I managed to hitch Moony and Massai together on saturday! It was the very first time for Moony pulling in a team. I was waiting too long for this step (don't know why, I guess I was frightened about that), but on saturday, I suddenly thought "Just do it!!" and I did it
It was GREAT! I selected an easy route without any scary things. Moony knows each tree and stone on this route. Due to the cold wind, there were no other riders or drivers around. Perfect for Moony's debut

He was very gentle while I harnessed him (I was alone). Then, we started... And Moony pulled, like it was the most normal thing in the world!!! Even trotting was easy for him. It seems he very likes this job! I had to request Massai to pull more to not let Moony doing the work.
We even did a turn. As I unhitched them, Moony stood absolutely still until the command to leave the carriage came. I always attached importance to calm down the horses on hitch and unhitch.
(they stand free on the photo, traces are not tied)
I'm very happy with this first time! Looking forward to drive more with him. When the gelding operation is over and Teddys shoulder is cured, we hopefully start to drive three-horse hitch. I've found a very good used three-horse line recently.
Teddy is better too. His shoulder is on the way to heal, but it takes a little time. I clipped his head, neck and belly before his shoulder was hurt and he's wearing blankets now, because he freezed and shuddered. Even when I walked with him he was shuddering, so he wears a walker rug. This looks pretty curious, but it doesn't matter
@Cayuse: driving lessons are a good idea
It helps to have another person around to calm down the horse and the driver too. I was looking for YEARS to find someone who helped me, but gave up and tried to do all alone (my husband was helping a few times when it was necessary, but it's not his hobby, so if it's not urgent, he won't support). This works, but it takes more time to do it alone and it could be very helpful to have tips from a professional. I would take lessons too if I had a trainer.