I'll check Kingston for the shafts, thank you!!
Hubby drove Sierra and I drove Coal today on a trail drive. Coal was less enthusiastic about running, but not so much about running away... I got out of the cart, reins in hand, to take a picture. I rested them for a only a literal moment before he decided "Hey, I hate standing. I'm leaving!" With a fairly freshly mended severe sprain I attempted to "chase" him on foot, but when he broke into a canter I just asked my other half to "Go get him." Mind you were were on 100+ acre Game Reserve... Nightmares flashed through my head about what could happen. He's pulling my cart, reins flopping, my truck keys in the camera bag on the cart... I was terrified he was going to just keep running and never look back or end up crippled from the cart getting toppled (Doesn't help I just watched that Arabian Driving Disaster). Hubby went in hot pursuit with my angel of a mare "Sierra." Found him probably a 1/4 mile away on the other side of the hill, eating grass. Apparently my reins looped the axle of the cart's wheel and "held" him back. Thank gosh he got to him.
I have NEVER lost a horse on a trail, ever. Leave it to Coal to change that luck. However, incredibly BLESSED we got him back in an uneventful and unharmed fashion!
Drove 4.69 miles in about 1hr30. We went generally pretty slow with a handful of canters here and there. I'll have to share the video once it is done. '