I liked this one of Mercy meeting Blanco, aka "Shadowfax". She liked him a lot... was constantly nickering to him and she had no fear of the larger horses... if they whinnied, she would neigh twice as loudly!
Hi there MiniaturePrincess429, :saludando: too cute. :lol:
Awe Mary, thanks so much, yes Chuckie is such a love muffin! He's only been here a short 3 months now, and already he's won the hearts of many of "the locals" here.
: He has such a heart of gold and sharing that of him is all what makes the last two years that it took me in working and saving up for him all the more so very worth every minute of it.
: That pic of him bowing there (Camel's Prayer Bow, I think it's called
: ) is one of the last pics that Donna took for me before he left Texas to come here. I'm so grateful for him.
: And you know how much I adore that Icee girl of yours there too.