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By moving, she is like running around bucking haha. She has been a lot more active as of yesterday. She ran around for like a hour today
She is doing great! Leading, tying, picks up all 4 hooves! She is doing great, very social. When I sit on my knees and scratch her she will stand on my legs and scratch me back! Probably will end up as a bad habit, but it is cute now
. Here are some pictures of her with my friend and her kids!





And I think it will be a good time to show y'all my other pony, Mouse


That's Mouse, a 13hh Welsh x Quarter horse! She is a pony jumper, and also a good trail horse (for the most part).
The pictures are lovely - thanks for posting.

Any news about Mouse yet?
Oh she is just BEAUTIFUL!! And CUTE!! What a perfect little filly, I think she is going to be a gorgeous mare. I am sure you can't keep your hands off of her! Lol I know I would be playing with and hugging her all day long! In fact I wish I lived near you so I could give her a big hug! She looks small enough to sit in your lap.......... What a perfect springtime gift to keep you busy all summer long. I look back at this time last year when my Misty was a foal, they are so much fun and so lovable!

Is your pony Mouse in foal? She looks to be a good jumper, will you show her??

Thanks for posting pics of that sweet filly, keep them coming maybe weekly if you have time so we can watch her grow over the summer!!
Thanks guys! No Mouse isn't in foal, I am planning on breeding her later in her life to some kinda pony sports horse. Trust me I can't stay away from Majora!! She thinks as me as her other mom. She will walk up to me in the pasture, even her momma doesn't do that! But I am really happy with Majora, she is spoiled already, just like her mama!
Just found this thread. Cute horsies and LOVE the Zelda theme!!!!!

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