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  1. Ferrah

    Have you seen this?

    No, I wouldn't clone my dog. As much as I love him...I just think that each dog is an indivual, the clone will never be the same. The cloned dog wouldn't grow up with the same experiences, he'd be a different dog! So why would I clone my dog to get a dog that will only look the same. I'd...
  2. Ferrah

    I can't believe he'll be gone...

    I sold one of my Miniature Horse geldings a few weeks ago and his new owners come today to pick him up. I know his new owners will take good care of him, and show him and love him, and they have a beautiful home with lots of space...but it will be so hard for me to let him go! I bought him...
  3. Ferrah

    Can you trail ride with a mini?

    Yes! It is possible. I have driven Spyder all over the countryside on wide trails and on atv and dirt biking trails. I have to keep an ear out for approaching dirt bikes and atvs, but it's very enjoyable for Spyder and I! I add extra padding to his harness and I make double sure my breeching...
  4. Ferrah

    My husband bought me a new piece of "jewerly"

    He looks so sweet! How lucky he is to have found you!
  5. Ferrah

    Whats your worming schedule?

    Mine get wormed every three months with Ivermectin. Then they get dewormed in the fall with Eqvalan Gold, it gets the ones the ivermectin didn't.
  6. Ferrah

    Just some thoughts

    I miss a lot of people that used to post on the forum. I used to look forward to their posts everyday. I took a bit of a hiatus from the forum, but now that I am back, things are very different! Not necessarily bad different...but different. Maybe I am getting resistant to change in my old...
  7. Ferrah

    Please Help!

    I would love some help from our forum members! I am doing a breed display on Miniature Horses soon and I need some pictures of all the things minis can do! Running, jumping, halter, hunter, liberty, driving, CDE, cuddling, playing ect! Thank you so much for your help! I am going to use the...
  8. Ferrah

    We've Come A Long Way Baby

    Yes, I am hoping to get a new horse in spring or summer of 2009. But if I end up taking a year off between horses, that is ok too!
  9. Ferrah

    We've Come A Long Way Baby

    I've had my lovely AMHA/AMHR gelding for over two years now. Here he is driving with only about 30 days in harness: Here he is at a show this May: Here is Spyder last spring 2007: Here is Spyder just last week 2008! I have learned so much from this horse. He is amazing, forgiving...
  10. Ferrah

    Does Anyone Know?

    Does anyone know if I enter Western Driving at one AMHR show, may I enter in country pleasure at the the next show? The show I am going to after this doesn't offer the western driving.
  11. Ferrah

    Very Sad Night

    I am so sorry you lost your mare Lori. You did everything that you could to save her and more. What comfort it must have given her to be with someone she loved. I know you love your horses very much and you always try to do right for them. Please let me know if I can do anything for you. Do...
  12. Ferrah

    Driving and conformation

    A horse witha too straight shoulder will be short strided and won't move out as nicely as a horse with a correct or close to correct shoulder angle. Also any horse without reasonably straight legs may be prone to soundness problems if driven hard or a lot.
  13. Ferrah

    Image got a early Christmas present!

    I had tons of problems saddle fitting my new QH mare. I had went through tons of "cheaper" saddles that said they were full QH bars, but they were not. A lot of the cheaper saddles also were not balanced or rigged correctly. I ended up just shelling out the money for a nice Circle Y that fits...
  14. Ferrah

    Please Help!!

    Hi! I am putting together a color chart for our club website and I need some help finding pictures of certai colors/patterns! If you have a picture of your horse that is ay of the following colors, please post it here if you will allow us to you use it on our website. It would be greatly...
  15. Ferrah

    Cinny Goes Crazy

    Well it did rather turn into a "what not to do" sort of situtation. Once his back was feeling better and I made some harness adjustments he was just fine. I don't drive him all that much because hes still pretty young. But yes both my horses are driving now. Spyder and I did really well last...
  16. Ferrah

    Cinny Goes Crazy

    This is a video I made using picture I took this summer of Cinny's first "real" time hitched to a cart. Let's just say it didn't go exactly as planned and we had some pretty good fireworks. After this incident I got his teeth checked and he got checked by a vet. We later discovered his back...
  17. Ferrah

    Animal Communication

    Here is a new picture of Cinnabar. I hope you are able to connect with this one. Thanks! These next ones are long shots, but I would really appreciate if you would try to connect with them as well. Thank you so much for doing this. Doomer Hi Tech Lilly
  18. Ferrah

    Animal Communication

    Ferrah: Turbo- Male? Around two? A bit of a big dog in a small dogs body? Maybe a bit of a Napolean complex? Wow, Turbo is almost exactly two years old and definately is a big dog in a small body. Ferrah- Is she around 19? Do you do western with her? Maybe western pleasure, and showmanship...
  19. Ferrah

    30" And Under

    Cinnabar a 2005 30" sorrel gelding.